"GC Connections” keeps readers up to date on the latest in methods, techniques, technologies, and best practices for gas chromatography. Columnist Nicholas H. Snow is the founding endowed professor of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Seton Hall University. He is interested in the fundamentals and applications of separation science, especially gas chromatography, sampling, and sample preparation for chemical analysis. His research group is very active, with ongoing projects using GC, GC–MS, two-dimensional GC, and extraction methods including headspace, liquid–liquid extraction, and solid-phase microextraction.
From Gas to Gas: Fundamentals of Static Headspace Extraction-Gas Chromatography
August 9th 2024In this article, we discuss the fundamentals of headspace extraction, including static versus dynamic extraction, establishing equilibrium in the vial, consequences of the partition coefficient, temperature, pressure, and transfer to the gas chromatograph.
From Detector to Decision, Part IV: Demystifying Peak Integration
March 1st 2024In this installment, we examine several of the common parameters that can affect automated peak integration and the resulting peak areas. We will consider how the data system detects the beginning and end of the peak, how it determines the peak maximum, how real peaks are differentiated from noise, and how signals at individual time intervals are summed to generate the peak area.
Are You Ready to Switch to Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography?
September 1st 2023Comprehensive two-dimensional GC×GC has made great strides in the past 20 years. The author discusses advances in instrumentation, column sets, data analysis, and the range and types of samples amenable to this method.
Going Low: Understanding Limit of Detection in Gas Chromatography (GC)
May 1st 2021The limit of detection (LOD) of an analytical method may be defined as the smallest concentration of analyte that has a signal significantly greater than that of a blank sample signal. We explore the sources of experimental uncertainty and variability in LOD determinations.
Let’s Get Small: Powerful Gas Chromatography in Small Packages
March 1st 2021Capillary GC has been miniaturized, while maintaining some performance aspects of full-size laboratory systems. The benefits and challenges involved with considering these newer, smaller gas chromatographs for typical analytical problems are discussed.
What Chromatograms Can Teach Us About Our Analytes
January 1st 2021For GC, how do data systems both assist and hinder us in obtaining maximum information from chromatograms? We explain how a chromatogram can provide a wealth of information about an individual analyte in a sample, about the sample itself, and about how well a GC instrument is performing.
From Detector to Decision: How Does the GC Instrument Generate Your Data?
September 1st 2020Using the flame ionization detector (FID) as an example, we explain how the detector in a GC system generates a signal and how it is processed into chromatograms, and explore modern aspects of storing and processing digital data.
Beat the Heat: Cold Injections in Gas Chromatography
July 1st 2020In gas chromatography, heating the sample in the inlet can lead to sample losses and loss of quantitative reproducibility, but these problems can be avoided using cold sample introduction. Here, we explain the various types of cold injection and why you should consider it in your next instrument purchase or upgrade.
GCxGC: From Research to Routine
February 1st 2019Two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) is becoming the technique of choice for analysis of highly complex samples such as petroleum, pharmaceuticals, biological materials, food, flavors, and fragrances. Here, we explain how GCxGC works and provide examples that illustrate its advantages.
Flow, Pressure, and Temperature Calibration: Part II
January 1st 2005In last month's installment of "GC Connections," John Hinshaw discussed how peak retention times depend upon relationships between pressure, flow rate, oven temperature, column dimensions, and stationary phase. This concluding installment of a two-part series discusses the effects that column variability has on isothermal capillary gas chromatography and explores instrument calibration with the goal of maximizing instrument-to-instrument similarity of retention times.
Strategies for GC Optimization, Part II - Columns
June 1st 2000In this month's "GC Connections," John Hinshaw examines optimization strategies for gas chromatography columns in the second installment of a multipart series. He starts with a question from a reader and then discusses broader column issues.
Strategies for GC Optimization, Part 1 – Setting Realistic Expectations
March 1st 2000This month's "GC Connections" begins a multipart series about gas chromatograph performance optimization. In this first part, John Hinshaw addresses questions of instrument capabilities and chromatographers' expectations, as well as manual–hardware optimization strategies and software-separation strategies.
A Coin-Toss Experiment, Part II – Limits of the Analogy
November 1st 1999In part I, Hinshaw described a simple experiment with coins to explain the statistical nature of separations and to impart a better understanding of the physical processes inside the column. In part II, he compares this coin-toss simulation with chromatographic columns and describes differences between the analogy and real-world situations.
Optimizing Separations Using Coupled Columns and Window Diagramming
October 1st 1999Analysts can optimize their separations by using combinations of two columns connected in series. This type of coupled column system produces peak separations that are a combination of separations obtained on each column.