Recent developments in the miniaturization of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) instrumentation are making the technique available for field-based investigations, offering a simple, onsite identification of drug substances. This article describes the identification of sixteen drugs compounds in less than 10 min using portable gas chromatograph-toroidal ion trap mass spectrometry combined with a coiled-wire-filament (CWF) sampling injector to provide an effective tool for the rapid analysis of illicit drug substances.
Recent developments in the miniaturization of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) instrumentation are making the technique available for field-based investigations, offering a simple, onsite identification of drug substances. This article describes the identification of sixteen drugs compounds in less than 10 min using portable gas chromatograph-toroidal ion trap mass spectrometry combined with a coiled-wire-filament (CWF) sampling injector to provide an effective tool for the rapid analysis of illicit drug substances.
Recent developments in the miniaturization of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) instrumentation are making the technique available for field-based investigations, offering a simple, onsite identification of drug substances. This article describes the identification of sixteen drugs compounds in less than 10 min using portable gas chromatograph-toroidal ion trap mass spectrometry combined with a coiled-wire-filament (CWF) sampling injector to provide an effective tool for the rapid analysis of illicit drug substances.
Enantioselective high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is slowly adopting the modern particle technologies (sub-2-µm fully porous particles [FPPs] and sub-3-µm superficially porous silica particles [SPPs]) that have been well known in reversed-phase LC for the past decade. The most significant benefit is that enantiomer separations can be performed much faster, which is of interest in high-throughput screening applications and multidimensional enantioselective HPLC analysis. The state of the art is briefly discussed with some examples documenting the potential of core–shell particle technology and comprehensive multidimensional separations.
Enantioselective high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is slowly adopting the modern particle technologies (sub-2-µm fully porous particles [FPPs] and sub-3-µm superficially porous silica particles [SPPs]) that have been well known in reversed-phase LC for the past decade. The most significant benefit is that enantiomer separations can be performed much faster, which is of interest in high-throughput screening applications and multidimensional enantioselective HPLC analysis. The state of the art is briefly discussed with some examples documenting the potential of core–shell particle technology and comprehensive multidimensional separations.
Enantioselective high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is slowly adopting the modern particle technologies (sub-2-µm fully porous particles [FPPs] and sub-3-µm superficially porous silica particles [SPPs]) that have been well known in reversed-phase LC for the past decade. The most significant benefit is that enantiomer separations can be performed much faster, which is of interest in high-throughput screening applications and multidimensional enantioselective HPLC analysis. The state of the art is briefly discussed with some examples documenting the potential of core–shell particle technology and comprehensive multidimensional separations.
As a result of the pharmaceutical cGMP for the 21st century and quality by design (QbD) initiatives championed by regulators, the biopharmaceutical industry has been looking for ways to introduce more automated and higher information content analyses into manufacturing, late-development, and quality control (QC). Mass spectrometry (MS-) based attribute monitoring assays have been proposed as key tools to provide the sensitivity, throughput, selectivity, and flexibility required for monitoring critical product and process attributes for biopharmaceutical production and release. Two analytical workflows, subunit multi-attribute monitoring (MAM) and peptide MAM, have emerged to dominate this discussion, and this article is intended to reflect on the active debates over the needs, challenges, and practical limitations for adopting MS-based attribute monitoring for late-development and QC.
Electrostatic effects superimposed on hydrophilic interactions enables selection or deselection of functional groups for compound isolation.
Determining the higher order structure of a protein pharmaceutical is important. Here, we review the approaches for HOS determination that are currently receiving the most attention in the literature and at scientific meetings.
Since glycans are responsible for bioactivity, solubility, immunogenicity, and clearance rate from circulation, it is vital to have a detailed map of glycans in therapeutic glycoproteins. Detailed glycoprotein structural analysis must be able to identify the peptide sequence where the glycans are attached as well as the structure of the glycan portion, including oligosaccharide sequence and glycosyl linkages. This article details methods for mass spectrometry experiments on both released glycans (“glycomics”), as well as on intact glycopeptides (“glycoproteomics”) using electron transfer dissociation, high-energy collision dissociation, and collision-induced dissociation fragmentation pathways, which are needed to fully elucidate the structure of glycoproteins.
Webinar Date/Time: Wed, Oct 30, 2024 11:00 AM EDT
Here we introduce LC/MS analysis methods using the Shodex™ HILICpak™ VC-50 2D column for various cationic neurotransmitters.
A look at the role of system suitability tests (SSTs) during performance qualification (PQ).
In this study, general extract screening of food storage materials was done with nontargeted analytical methods to understand what analytes could potentially leach into food or beverages. GC and mass spectral deconvolution effectively separated analytes within the complex mixture and TOF-MS provided full mass range spectral data for identification. This workflow can be used for confident characterization of components present as extractables from food packaging materials.
Interest in connecting ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) to GC and especially to LC is now growing. One favorable property of IMS is that it can work with ambient pressure and can be easily connected to a gas or liquid chromatograph. Analytical applications of GC–MS and LC–MS are very different and encompass investigations into food, medical science, environment, drugs of abuse, chemical warfare agents, and explosives.
Interest in connecting ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) to GC and especially to LC is now growing. One favorable property of IMS is that it can work with ambient pressure and can be easily connected to a gas or liquid chromatograph. Analytical applications of GC–MS and LC–MS are very different and encompass investigations into food, medical science, environment, drugs of abuse, chemical warfare agents, and explosives.
Utilizing Hamilton’s CO-RE® disposable tips with DPX technology provides a fast, accurate, and simple extraction method for analyzing drugs of abuse in urine. The Microlab NIMBUS equipped with a CO-RE 96-channel Multi-Probe Head (MPH) allows for high-throughput, automated sample processing.
This application note will present the data collected as part of the demonstration of disk solid phase extraction validation for US EPA method 625.1.
Practical examples of how to correct for matrix effects in food testing to obtain reliable quantitative data using LC–MS and GC–MS
Practical examples of how to correct for matrix effects in food testing to obtain reliable quantitative data using LC–MS and GC–MS
Practical examples of how to correct for matrix effects in food testing to obtain reliable quantitative data using LC–MS and GC–MS
The enhanced separation power of two-dimensional (2D) chromatography has become accessible thanks to the commercialization of dedicated two-dimensional systems. However, with great separation power comes great system complexity. All two-dimensional systems require a means for collecting and transferring fractions of the first dimension to the second dimension typically via a loop-based interface in on-line methods. It is important to collect a sufficient number of fractions to prevent loss of the first dimension resolution; that is, the sampling rate must be sufficient to prevent undersampling. Another key parameter to consider is selectivity. By coupling two selectivities that have unrelated retention mechanisms we are able to exploit the different physiochemical characteristics of the sample we wish to separate. This is the concept behind the term orthogonality. By coupling orthogonal selectivities and reducing under‑sampling, our system should be able to achieve the theoretical maximum two-dimensional peak
Optical fibers are routinely used in liquid chromatographic detectors as a means of simplifying optical designs. Selection of the appropriate fiber is an important factor in achieving optimal system performance.
In this study, we present an ion-pairing-free method for AXPs analysis using microchip CE-MS. This fast, simple method achieves baseline resolution for Adenosine, AMP, ADP, and ATP. Excellent linearity and sensitivity are observed in human plasma.
The benefits that GC×GC–TOF-MS with tandem ionization and chemometrics offer for fragrance profiling and authenticity evaluation.
Characterising various complex petrochemicals – including diesel, crude oil and vacuum gas oil – using the enhanced peak capacity of GC×GC–FID with thermal modulation
The benefits of a PESI-MS/MS approach to detect illicit drugs in saliva.
Flow-field flow fractionation (flow-FFF) offers highly versatile separations for the analysis of complex fluids, covering a size range of macromolecules and particles from 1 nm to 10,000 nm. However, flow-FFF is often perceived as a difficult technique to learn because of the multiple parameters available for adjustment. Recent advances in software for simulating flow-FFF overcome this obstacle, enabling the virtual optimization of flow-FFF methods and opening up the power of flow-FFF separations to non-experts. An added benefit is the ability to easily analyze particle size distributions by elution time from first principles.
High-definition screening by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is shown to be a viable option for the reliable identification of odorous compounds in pork.