Wednesday Afternoon Session - Separations at the Edge: High Temperature, Pressure and Speed II
June 21st 2010The session titled ?Separations at the Edge: High Temperature, Pressure and Speed II? is a continuation of Tuesday?s Part I session and will be chaired by Gert Desmet of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belguim) and Uwe Neue of Waters Corporation (Milford, Massachusetts) in Ballroom B.
Wednesday Morning Session on Surface Properties
June 21st 2010A Wednesday morning session titled "Surface Properties, Interactions and Retention Selectivity" will be held in Ballroom B starting at 10:30 a.m. The Session Chairs will be Georges Guiochon of the University of Tennessee (Knoxville, Tennessee) and Wolfgang Lindner of the University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria).
Chromatography at the World Cup
June 21st 2010Agilent Technologies has been selected by the South African Doping Control Laboratory as the primary provider of gas-phase testing instruments for the 2010 World Cup. The South Africa Doping Laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art gas chromatography and mass spectrometry instruments from the company, which will be used to confirm the chemical identity of suspected banned substances found in testing samples.