From Tables to Visuals: Principal Component Analysis, Part 2
February 1st 2005The second part in this series focuses on the variables in large data tables, looking at the vocabulary used by PCA experts, and explaining some of the background to the method. It further provides practical examples of how these variables operate in practice.
Flow, Pressure, and Temperature Calibration: Part II
January 1st 2005In last month's installment of "GC Connections," John Hinshaw discussed how peak retention times depend upon relationships between pressure, flow rate, oven temperature, column dimensions, and stationary phase. This concluding installment of a two-part series discusses the effects that column variability has on isothermal capillary gas chromatography and explores instrument calibration with the goal of maximizing instrument-to-instrument similarity of retention times.
Influence of Na+- and K+- Concentration in Solvents on Mass Spectra of Peptides in LC/ESI–MS
December 1st 2004In this article, the authors examine the concentration-dependent influence of Na+- and K+ ions on mass spectra of peptides, with human gastrin as a model peptide using LC/ESI–MS as the selected ionization technique.
Multidimensional and Hyphenated Techniques in Aerosol Analysis
December 1st 2004The authors provide suggestions for the sample pretreatment and analysis of aerosol particles including the use of on-line SFE–LC–GC–MS, GCXGC and LC–MS. Although each technique has its merits, the novel multidimensional systems and those integrating sample pretreatment with the final analysis proved to be valuable tools in aerosol analysis.
Polymer Analysis by Gel Permeation Chromatography — A Historical Perspective
December 1st 2004This article discusses the development of gel permeation chromatography or size exclusion chromatography as a technique for analysing the molecular weight distributions of polymers. It further highlights the development of columns and hardware for high-resolution characterization of polymers.
Adjusting Conditions for a Routine Reversed-Phase HPLC Assay, Part I: Changing the Column
December 1st 2004The authors look at two types of method modification from a scientific and regulatory standpoint: a change of column and a change in the operating system. Both are difficult to avoid if a method is used for several years.