Unraveling the Links between Diet and Human Health Using LC–MS–MS
July 22nd 2014LCGC spoke to Gary Duncan and Wendy Russell of the Rowett Institute of Nutrition & Health in Aberdeen, Scotland, about the significance of phytochemical bioavailability to human health and the important role of liquid chromatography linked to tandem liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) in their research.
The LCGC Blog: Avoiding the Problems Associated with HPLC Column Overload
July 17th 2014Much has been written about column overload, however, I've seen many instances lately in which overload may not be instantly recognized, or causes problems that may not normally be attributed to overload. Therefore, I wanted to explain how to spot and deal with different types of overload situations.
N–glycan Biopharmaceutical Reference Library
July 7th 2014Thirty percent of approved drugs will be based on recombinant monoclonal antibody (rMab) drugs over the next 10 years. Glycosylation, the convalent addition of carbohydrates to proteins, can influence properties of rMab drugs and has to be closely monitored during drug development and production. Scientists from the University of California (California, USA) have developed a new liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) N-glycan library based on eight commercially available recombinant monoclonal antibodies, for the rapid identification of glycosylated structures.
HPLC–MS–MS Detects Insecticide Degradates in Baby Food
July 7th 2014Scientists from Emory University (Georgia, USA) have developed a new solid–phase extraction (SPE) method to isolate four insecticide degradates from baby food for analysis by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC–MS–MS). The paper published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry describes how the method can be applied to differentiate between exposure to insecticides or preformed degradates.
Analysis of Wastewater in New York State Indicates Illicit Drug Consumption
July 7th 2014The study of sewage using chromatographic techniques is a rapidly expanding area that can provide insights into the consumption of illicit drugs. Measuring illicit drug concentrations can provide authorities with a close to real time identification of consumption trends and rates in specific geographical areas.
Determination of Halogens and Sulphur in Complex Matrices
July 7th 2014This article presents a method that combines combustion digestion and ion chromatography into a single analysis (combustion ion chromatography [CIC]) making it possible to detect halogens and sulphur in complex matrices. The method is suitable for use in a wide range of application areas.
Rudolf Krska on Mycotoxin Analysis with LC–MS
July 6th 2014In the first video update to LCGC TV of 2015, Gérard Hopfgartner from the University of Geneva, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, discusses the advances in ion mobility mass spectrometry, highlighting the benefits of the technique and how it can be hyphenated to both 1D and 2D LC.