“Separation Science: Driving Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacture” The Chromatographic Society Annual Spring Symposium


LCGC Europe

LCGC EuropeLCGC Europe-04-01-2019
Volume 32
Issue 4
Pages: 223

The Chromatography Society’s (ChromSoc) annual Spring Symposium “Separation Science: Driving Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacture” will take place on 9 May 2019 in Sunderland, UK.


The Chromatography Society’s (ChromSoc) annual Spring Symposium “Separation Science: Driving Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacture” will take place on 9 May 2019 in Sunderland, UK. The programme will involve presentations from academics and pharmaceutical industry analysts on the UK development and manufacturing context, the scope of applications, the role of pharmacopoeia, the effective use of liquid chromatography (LC) in quality control, bioanalysis, and biopharmaceuticals, and examples of the use of modern LC technology in development and manufacturing. Before the meeting, analytical scientists supporting pharmaceutical development and manufacturing were invited to comment on the most important unmet analytical needs they are facing. Arising from this, for the main part of the afternoon session, speakers, and in particular vendors, will be set the task of demonstrating how the following identified challenges might be met:

  • The sheer number and variety of molecular entities coming through development and manufacture;

  • The range and variety of formulations now being encountered;

  • The need for automation in sample preparation for development and manufacture;

  • Taking greater utilization of preparative LC in pharmaceutical development and manufacture;

  • Training.

These themes will take up a large part of the afternoon session and at the close of the meeting a panel discussion will be held to consider whether these challenges are being satisfactorily addressed. Registation:https://goo.gl/meK4UT

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