5th International Workshop on Electrochemistry–Mass Spectrometry (ELCHEMS5 2019)


LCGC Europe

LCGC EuropeLCGC Europe-04-01-2019
Volume 32
Issue 4
Pages: 223

The 5th International Workshop on Electrochemistry–Mass Spectrometry (ElCheMS5) will be held 11–12 June 2019 at the University of Münster, Germany, and is hosted by the group of Uwe Karst and Martin Vogel.

The 5th International Workshop on Electrochemistry–Mass Spectrometry (ElCheMS5) will be held 11–12 June 2019 at the University of Münster, Germany, and is hosted by the group of Uwe Karst and Martin Vogel. The topics covered span all instrumental aspects of electrochemistry–mass spectrometry (EC–MS), including fundamentals, novel hardware and software, integration of analytical separation techniques, and miniaturized and on-chip approaches for EC–MS. Current applications of EC–MS will form the second major aspect of the meeting, including the simulation of metabolic and advanced oxidation processes, preparative scale EC–MS, the generation of reactive metabolites and their reaction products, and EC–MS in protein and peptide chemistry. The organizers are expecting to see a continuing trend towards the (semi)-preparative use of EC–MS for the generation of milligram-scale amounts of substances to allow further characterization by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and other spectroscopic techniques. Additionally, the trend towards automated approaches will address the challenge to investigate larger numbers of samples within a reasonable time scale. ElCheMS5 will feature tutorial‑style lectures by leading experts, ensuring it is an ideal event for novices in the field. Contributed oral and poster presentations by the attendees form the backbone of the workshop, and there is ample time to discuss all presentations. Coffee breaks and a barbecue on the evening of 11 June 2019 with beer, steaks, and bratwurst provide further opportunities to meet the experts in person and to share and acquire knowledge. The intense exchange between academia, instrument manufacturers, and chemical and pharmaceutical industries is another established feature of the meeting, which will be continued. Submissions for oral presentations should be submitted by 20 May 2019, and poster submissions by 1 June 2019 to the following address: ElCheMS2019@wwu.de
Website: www.uni-muenster.de/Chemie.ac/en/karst/workshops/elchems.html


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