Trace Metabolic Profiling and Pathway Analysis of Clomazone Using LC–MS-MS and High Resolution MS
February 1st 2012Detection, analysis, and characterization of low-abundant metabolites remain an unresolved problem in metabolic studies. In this study, we report a novel approach to address this challenge. The current methodology is derived from the predictive multiple reaction monitoring (pMRM) mode available on triple-quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometry (MS) systems. The pMRM mode offers the highest sensitivity among various acquisition modes for studying trace levels of metabolites of the herbicide clomazone in plants. Additionally, this method allows for the identification of positional isomers of metabolites.
Tips & Tricks: GPC/SEC Viscometry - A Versatile Tool for Structure Determination and More
February 1st 2012In comparison to other GPC/SEC detectors such as light-scattering detectors or UV detectors, viscometers need more care. It takes a longer time to get a stable baseline after changing from one solvent to another and the quality of the LC components plays an important role. Nevertheless, a viscometer is worth these efforts as it provides unique information that is not available with any other detector.