Fast LC for Conventional HPLC Systems
April 1st 2011Many laboratory budgets do not allow the purchase of new ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) systems, and workloads typically are not declining. Fast LC incorporates the use of faster mobile phase flow rates and smaller particles to achieve separations in less time and with equivalent resolution to traditional high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Recent Developments in HPLC/UHPLC
April 1st 2011New chromatography technology for the analytical laboratory is being driven by the ever expanding need and challenge to get more and better information faster, all in an economic climate where cost control is a primary concern. At the same time, samples have become more and more complex, detection limits are being driven increasingly lower, and regulatory concerns, particularly for biotherapeutics, are being increasingly scrutinized.
Improving the Universal Response of Nebulization-Based UHPLC Detection
April 1st 2011High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with light absorbance detection (UV) is limited by the dependence of detector response on the structure of the analyte. Some detection techniques based on nebulization of the mobile phase and formation of Aerosol particles demonstrate an analyte independent response that approaches "universal."