Collaboration to develop proteomic technologies


LCGC Europe eNews

LCGC Europe eNewsLCGC Europe eNews-01-23-2009
Volume 0
Issue 0

Proxeon has announced that it will join 12 other partners in a research consortium, PROSPECTS (PROteomics SPECification in Time and Space). The collaborators come from leading proteomics laboratories and companies.

Proxeon has announced that it will join 12 other partners in a research consortium, PROSPECTS (PROteomics SPECification in Time and Space). The collaborators come from leading proteomics laboratories and companies in the fields of proteomics, structural and cell biology, cell imaging, bioinformatics and data-mining and computational modelling of proteomic data.

The goal is to annotate quantitatively the human proteome with respect to protein localization and dynamics and according to the company this is expected to lead to developing new proteome technologies and provide a deeper understanding of the human proteome and its role in disease. All data produced during the project will be available to the scientific community via annotated on-line public databases.

The company’s contribution will focus on increasing the sensitivity and dynamic range of nanoscale liquid chromatography (nano LC) by one or two orders of magnitude. "We have committed to turning two of our research discoveries into novel instrument solutions that could greatly advance proteomics research", explained Dr Ole Vorm, the company’s chief scientific officer.

More information about the PROSPECTS consortium can be found on its website at

Further information about Proxeon is available from its website;

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