Cancer-Fighting Agent Found Using Reversed-Phase Chromatography


Using flash reversed-phase column chromatography and a 3-D cancer cell culture assay system to examine a fungus in soil, a team of experts led by Jong Seog Ahn, of the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology Chemical (KRIBB) Biology Research Center (Daejeon, South Korea) succeeded in discovering fusarisetin, a new antimetastatic agent capable of fighting cancerous cells.

Using flash reversed-phase columnchromatography and a 3-D cancercell culture assay system to examinea fungus in soil, a team of expertsled by Jong Seog Ahn, of the KoreaResearch Institute of Bioscience &Biotechnology Chemical (KRIBB) BiologyResearch Center (Daejeon, SouthKorea) succeeded in discovering fusarisetin,a new antimetastatic agentcapable of fighting cancerous cells.

The KRIBB center reported thatAhn’s team looked for anticanceractive substance from microbial secondarymetabolites, successfully separatingthe new active substance fromthe cultured broth of Fusarium sp.FN080326 isolated from Korean soil.

With its unique carbon skeletalbackbone structure, the compound isunlike anything in nature, displaying no cell toxicity and boasting antimetastaticproperties suitable forcombating cancer.

“Cancer usually kills because itspreads throughout the body, but thenew material shows promise of hinderingsuch developments,” Ahn toldthe Yonhap News Agency.

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