New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2002 Pittsburgh Conference, Part I
March 1st 2002Ron Majors looks at columns and packings for reversed-, normal-, and bonded-phase; ion-exchange and ion; size-exclusion; and large- and preparative-scale chromatography, as well as column series and specialty columns.
Microwave-Assisted Organic Extraction and Evaporation: An Integrated Approach
March 1st 2002The authors present integrated microwave extraction as an enhanced version of microwave-assisted solvent extraction in which solvents are optimized for chemistry and microwave absorption is modified using secondary microwave absorbers.
New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2002 Pittsburgh Conference, Part I
March 1st 2002The first of two columns on new chromatography columns, accessories, and sample preparation products, including solid-phase extraction, introduced at Pittcon 2002 will feature families/series of HPLC columns new to the marketplace along with detailed coverage of reversed-phase, normal-phase, ion-exchange, and size-exclusion HPLC columns.