Universal HPlC


High-pressure ion chromatography uses small-particle-size columns for fast, high resolution analyses. The Thermo Scientific? Dionex? ICS-5000+ HPIC? system operates at high pressures over its entire flow rate range.

High-pressure ion chromatography enables the use of small-particle-size IC columns for fast analyses and high resolution. The Thermo ScientificTM DionexTM ICS-5000+ HPICTM system is the first system with an all-PEEKTM flow path capable of operating continuously at high system pressures over its entire flow rate range. High backpressure tolerance lets you increase flow rates to maximize your throughput while still benefiting from the advantages of electrolytic eluent generation and suppression. Sensitivity, resolution, and ease-of-use are taken to a whole new level. New 4 μm particle-size columns take full advantage of the broad flow/pressure range, enabling fast, high-resolution separations in challenging matrices. See peaks you’ve been missing before with the high-resolution, 250 mm long columns, or increase throughput with our fast 150 mm columns.

Learn more at thermoscientific.com/ics5000+ and analyze@thermofisher.com

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