TD-20 thermal desorption system from Shimadzu


Shimadzu Product Profile

Shimadzu’s TD-20 thermal desorber is dedicated to trace-enrichment and sample introduction of volatile and semi-volatile compounds. Thermal desorption is used in many GC and GCMS applications such as the determination of organic pollutants in air.

The TD-20 offers high recovery rates and only minimal carry-over, even for relatively high-boiling components. The gas flows within the TD-20 are regulated via electronic pressure and flow control in order to guarantee the highest reproducibility.

During the first desorption stage, the sample components are thermally desorbed from a sample tube. The second stage, used for sample focussing, leads the desorbed components over a cold trap filled with an adsorbent. In this way, very narrow peaks can be achieved. Electronic cooling simplifies the operation of the TD-20 eliminating the need for a cooling agent.

Maintenance of the TD-20 and replacement of parts are remarkably simple. An autosampler provides complete automation of the analysis. The TD-20 control software can be combined with the GCMSsolution software.

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