From the Publisher


The Application Notebook

The Application NotebookThe Application Notebook-09-01-2009
Volume 0
Issue 0

In a market as dynamic and fast-paced as ours, it should come as no surprise that in the months since I last addressed our readers in this space, a great deal has taken place in the world at large and in the field of separation science in particular.

In a market as dynamic and fast-paced as ours, it should come as no surprise that in the months since I last addressed our readers in this space, a great deal has taken place in the world at large and in the field of separation science in particular. Many issues that dominated the headlines just a few short months ago have now evolved and given way to new issues that may require new solutions.

Michael J. Tessalone

At LCGC, we continue to believe as we always have, that the notes contained in The Application Notebook are something of a microcosm of the marketplace, reflecting the ongoing and evolving issues that face chromatographers every day, and this edition is no exception. With the biotech industry continuing to make strides, you will see numerous application notes across this field, including many on biopharmaceuticals. With concerns over the long-term price of acetonitrile now beginning to replace supply considerations in many minds, you will find notes that offer new and innovative ways to conserve solvent. With food safety continuing to be a major concern in the U.S. and world markets, more stringent testing is being implemented, and here you will find corresponding application notes with new and better food testing methods, created in large part to meet this challenge.

In short, if you are experiencing an issue in your lab or business, chances are you will find it being addressed in one of the application notes contained in this issue. And if by some chance you do not, then please feel free to let us know. We rely on your feedback to help us shape future content and projects down the road, so do not hesitate to contact myself or any of our staff at the listings found in the masthead.

Enjoy the issue.

Michael J. Tessalone

Science Group Publisher

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