HPLC 2017 Wednesday Afternoon Sessions


HPLC 2017 Wednesday Afternoon Sessions

Session Title: Thermodynamics  and Separation Mechanisms (FUN 11)

Chairs: Fabrice Gritti and David McCalley

14:00 -Pavel Jandera: Major Role of Water in HPLC of Polar Analytes

14:30 -Torgny Fornstedt: How Does Pressure Affect the Retention Mechanism in Reversed-Phase LC?

14:50 - Oleg Krokhin: Peptide Retention Time Prediction in RPLC and HILIC: Proteomic Techniques to Discover Hidden Secondary Structure Effects

15:10 - David Bell: Investigations of Equilibration Dynamics in HILIC: Towards A Better Understanding of Retention Mechanisms


Session Title: MALDI in LC Coupling and MS Imaging (HYP 11)

Chairs: Gerard Hopfgartner and Robert Jirasko

14:00 -Ron Heeren: Breaking Boundaries in Molecular Imaging

14:30 -Jan Preisler: Coupling Separation Techniques and Desorption Mass Spectrometry

14:50 -Ales Svatos: Mass-Spectrometric-Imaging of Living Cells: Challenges, Solutions and Perspectives

15:10 -Bram Heijs: Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging Analysis of N-linked Glycans and Proteins from a Single Tissue Selection


Session Title: Food Analysis (APP 11)

Chairs: Terry Berger and Massimo Morbidelli

14:00 -Paola Dugo: Multidimensional Techniques for the Analysis of Food Products

14:30 -Petr Bednar: Study of Seed Coat Composition in Relation to Dormancy and Domestication using LC–MS

14:50 -Nicola Marchetti: Insights into Structure-Bioaccessibility of Polyphenols in Red Chicory by HPLC–MS/MS

15:10  Riccardo Zenezini Chlozzi: Discovery of Bioactive Peptides from Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) Waste Protein Using a Scaled-Up Chromatographic Approach


Session Title: Pharmaceutical Analysis (YOU 11)

Chairs: Koen Sandra and Therese Wohlschlager

14:00 -Lois Anne Beaver: Biosimiliars Evolution and Demands on Analytical Scientists

14:40 -Lai-Sheung Choi: Metabolic Study of Methylstenbolone in Horses

14:52 - Roman Reminek: Application of Capillary Electrophoresis for Beta-Secretase Inhibitor Screening - Development and Comparison of Two On-Line Methods

15:04 -Elise Lemasson: Exploring Mixed-Mode HPLC as an Alternative to Reversed-Phase HPLC for Impurity Profiling of Drug Candidates

15:16 -Nilesh Joshi: A Normal-Phase Chiral HPLC Method to Separate Eight Isomers of Core + Ome



Session Title: Advances In Stationary Phases (FUN 12)

Chairs: Joe Pesek and Yi Chen

16:30 -Francesco Gasparrini: Sub-2-Micron Chiral Stationary Phases for Enantioselective UHPLC/UHSFC

17:00 -Terence Hetzel: Characterization of Peak Capacity of Microbore Liquid Chromatography Columns Using Gradient Kinetic Plots

17:20 -Suhas Nawada: 3D-Printed Cellular Automata as Optimized Stationary Phase Geometries

17:40 Tai-Chen Wei: Synthesis of Superficially Porous Monoliths with Ordered, Elongated Mesoporous Channels Normal to the Surface


Session Title: Quantitation in LC–MS (HYP 12)

Chairs: Christian Huber and Jean-Luc Veuthy

16:30 -Karoly Vekey: Quantitation in LC–MS: From Accurate to Approximate

17:00 -Kevin Schug: Further Development of Liquid Chromatography– Triple Quadropole- Mass Spectrometry for Top Down Intact Protein Separation and Quantitation

17:20 -Eva Tyteca: UHPLC–ESI-MS/MS Quantitation of Natural Estogens in Aqueous Matrices as Pyridine-3-Sulfonyl Derivatives

17:40 - Alexander Schriewer: Analysis of Coenzyme A Derivatives in Breast Cancer Cells by Means of On-Line SPE–HILIC–ESI-MS/MS


Session Title: Natural Products (APP 12)

Chairs:Andre de Villiers and John Yates

16:30 -Terry Berger: SFC Profiling of Hops Bittering Acids and Derivatives Using Chiral Columns

17:00 -Erwin Rosenberg: Characterization of Saffron Market and Aroma Compounds by One- and Comprehensive Two-Dimensional HPLC–IT-TOF­MS

17:20 -Karine Faure: Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Centrifugal Partition Chromatography–Liquid Chromatography for Preparative Separation for Complex Plant Extracts

17:40 -Maryse Vanderplanck: Chromatographic Analysis of Alkaloids in Acontium Pollen: New Insights in Plant Protection Mechanisms


Session Title: Scientific Writing and Publishing (YOU 12)

Chairs: Paul Haddad, Emily Hilder, and Frantisek Svec

16:30–18:00 - This session describes the processes and pitfalls that occur in the dissemination of scientific research, particularly publishing of scientific research in high quality journals, but will also include advice of the preparation and presentation of posters at scientific meetings. These major components will be discussed: a detailed analysis of the process for preparing a manuscript, selecting a journal and submitting the manuscript for review, responding to reviewers’ comments, preparing a revised manuscript.

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