ASMS 2021 Afternoon Session: Challenges in MS Analysis of Complex Mixtures


This ASMS 2021 session, chaired by Yina Liu of Texas A&M University, presents a series of talks on the topics of mapping of pathogen proteins, proteomics, purification and fragmentation, metaproteomics in microbiomes, and more.

One talk of interest will be given at 3:50 by Pratik Dilip Jagtap of the University of Minnesota, on “Quantitative Metaproteomics in Microbiomes of Diverse Complexity via Data-dependent and Data-independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry.” The authors present new developments in MS-based metaproteomics enabling improved quantitative analysis of peptides, proteins, metabolic pathways, and improved taxonomy—using data-dependent acquisition (DDA) and data-independent acquisition (DIA) approaches. This session will be in room 108 AB.

Then at 4:10 pm, Dennys Leyva of Florida International University and coworkers present “Unsupervised Structural Classification of Dissolved Organic Matter based on fragmentation pathways.” This paper highlights the use of 2D MS/MS to obtain ultrahigh resolution spectra of a SPE-DOM sample from Pantanal (Brazil). The spectra were generated by (-) ESI, followed by sequential nominal mass quadrupole isolation, collision induced dissociation (CID), and FT-ICR MS detection.

This session will be held in room 108 AB.

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