Bruker Application Note
The amaZon series is the next step in Bruker Daltonics' family of ion trap mass spectrometers. Incorporating a number of new innovations to Bruker's highly successful ion trap technology platforms, the amaZon series is a true leap forward in performance and reliability.
Figure 1: Direct injection of 50â750 fg reserpine. Even at 50 fg in MSâMS mode, the amaZon is able to achieve at 50:1 S/N. Note also the excellent reproducibility in these five replicate injections.
The performance of the amaZon X Ion Trap System has been tested in terms of sensitivity, speed and dynamic range for small molecule analysis.
Figure 2: Dynamic range of amaZon. In this example 1â10000 ppb of melamine on column was measured by the amaZon. This correlates to at least 4 orders of magnitude dynamic range with outstanding linearity.
It has been shown that the amaZon is easily capable of detecting low femtagrams of a small molecule on column. The amaZon also displays a dynamic range of at least four orders of magnitude when quantifying small molecules in the ppb to ppm range. The instrument also possesses the capability to do "Zero Delay" polarity switching, even at UPLC separation speeds.
Figure 3: Speed of amaZon. In this example, a compound in plasma separated by UPLC with a 1 sec peak width is measured at 20 Hz in positive and negative ion mode with "zero delay" alternating ionization switching.
All of these attributes demonstrate the high performance capabilities of the amaZon and demonstrate its suitability for deployment in a number of small molecule analysis areas.
Bruker Daltonics Inc.
Billerica, Massachusetts, USA
tel. +1 978 663 3660 fax +1 978 667 5993