Temperature programmable injector Optic 3 with LINEX (Automatic Liner Exchange)


The Optic 3 injector is a versatile tool for the Shimadzu GC and GC–MS product range. It features no discrimination and low thermal degradation of the sample.

The Optic 3 injector is a versatile tool for the Shimadzu GC and GC–MS product range. It features no discrimination and low thermal degradation of the sample.

Key features:

• Direct heating Ohmically (unique)
• Many different liners
• Cold injections
• Rapid large volume injections (RLVI)
• Direct thermal desorption
• Automated liner exchange (LINEX)

Direct heating Ohmically with low thermal mass allows:
• High temperatures (up to 600 ºC)
• Fast ramp rates (up to 30 ºC/s)
• Relatively large liner inner diameter (3.4 mm i.d.)
• Fast with cooling option LCO2: -50 ºC, LN2: -180 ºC
• Fast cooling with external air

The large inner diameter (i.d.) of the liners avoids the problems encountered when using a PTV of small i.d., such as limitations in injection volume, no possibility for solids or inserts and low break-through volumes in thermodesorption. Special liners such as sintered glass liners for pesticide analysis are available. Using the LINEX (Automatic Liner Exchange) with the AOC-5000 autosampler the system can be fully automated.

For further details visit our webpage at www.shimadzu.eu

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