Peaks of Interest


LCGC North America

LCGC North AmericaLCGC North America-04-01-2005
Volume 23
Issue 4
Pages: 352

A thorough consideration of 30 nominated instruments by 21 nominating editors resulted in a clear runaway for the top product at this year's Pittcon. The gold award was presented to JEOL (Peabody, Massachusetts) for its DART ionization technology for MS.

2005 Pittcon Editors' Awards

A thorough consideration of 30 nominated instruments by 21 nominating editors resulted in a clear runaway for the top product at this year's Pittcon. The gold award was presented to JEOL (Peabody, Massachusetts) for its DART ionization technology for MS.

Chromatography Market Profile

A three-way tie for the silver award went to ESA, Inc. (Chelmsford, Massachusetts) for its Corona CAD detector, Shimadzu Scientific Instrument, Inc.'s (Columbia, Maryland) LC-MS-IT-TOF, and the ICS-3000 from Dionex Corporation (Sunnyvale, California).

Agilent Technologies' (Palo Alto, California) HPLC-Chip ESI-MS received the bronze award.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Honeywell announces cross-distribution agreement with Chata Biosystems

Honeywell Burdick & Jackson (Muskegon, Michigan) announced it has signed a cross-distribution agreement with Chata Biosystems, Inc. (Fort Collins, Colorado) under which Honeywell will market and be the exclusive distributor of Chata's preblended CHEM+NECT line of flexibel film packaged solutions used for chromatography by pharmaceutical, biotech, and research labs.

Under the agreement, Chata becomes a nonexclusive distributor of Honeywell's pre-blended chromatography solutions, utilizing Honeywell's packaging offerings.

"This agreement brings the best of two worlds to research and analytical laboratories," states global business manager for Honeywell Burdick & Jackson Scott Gaddis. "Burdick and Jackson has a long history and solid reputation for producing high-purity solvents and reagents with the consistent quality demanded by researchers and laboratories. Chata's unique, pre-packaged solutions and patented deilvery systems elminate the antiquated, time-consuming, and expensive manual preparation of chemical solutions."

Chata CEO Jerald Kuiken said, "Chata has long been a leader in prepackaged chemicals and will now offer the highest purity chemicals from one of the leading names in the business."

Poling elected Grace Davison vice president

W.R. Grace & Co. (Columbia, Maryland) announced that Gregory E. Poling has been elected vice president of Grace Davison Chemicals. He also was elected a corporate vice president by the Board of Directors of Grace.

Poling has been with Davison since 1999 and most recently was president of the Davison Chemicals specialty materials business.