Peaks of Interest


LCGC North America

LCGC North AmericaLCGC North America-01-01-2013
Volume 31
Issue 1
Pages: 12

Pittcon 2013 Award Winners Announced

Pittcon 2013 Award Winners Announced

The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon) 2013 award winners for scientists specializing in separation science have been announced. Each of the award winners will be presented with their awards in a series of prize-giving presentations at Pittcon in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 17–21, 2013.

The Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC) — Young Investigator Award will be presented to Bo Zhang, assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Washington, (Seattle, Washington). Research in the Zhang group is focused on the understanding of fundamental and applied aspects of electrochemistry and bioanalytical chemistry using nanoscale materials.

The newly established Robert Boyle Prize for Analytical Science will be given to Norman Dovichi, the Grace-Rupley Professor of Chemistry at the University of Notre Dame University, (Notre Dame, Indiana). The Royal Society of Chemistry has awarded the prize to Dovichi for pioneering development of ultrasensitive separations. Dovichi developed the first separations at zepto- and yoctomole levels and capillary electrophoresis–based DNA sequencing.

The ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Investigators in Separation Science will be awarded to Kevin A. Schug, Shimadzu Distinguished Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry at The University of Texas at Arlington. Schug was selected for his outstanding contributions to separation science in the 10 years since the completion of his PhD. He was previously awarded the international Emerging Leader in Chromatography Award sponsored by LCGC magazine in 2009. Schug's research group focuses on using chromatographic techniques to understand systems of interest.

The Chromatography Forum of The Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Award will be presented to Irving W. Wainer, senior investigator of clinical investigation at the National Institute on Aging, (Bethesda,Maryland). Wainer has published more than 300 scientific papers, and has received a number of awards including the A.J.P. Martin Medal presented by the Chromatographic Society for contributions to the development of chromatographic science. Wainer's research focuses on the effect of the disease state on drug metabolism, the development of chromatographic techniques for drug discovery, and the development of bioanalytical methods for the determination of drugs within biological matrices.

PerkinElmer Opens South African Headquarters

PerkinElmer has opened a new headquarters in Midrand, Gautengaim, South Africa. The new headquarters will support existing customers, offering support to the mining and mineral testing, chemical and petrochemical analysis, food and beverage safety testing, and pharmaceutical testing industries.

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