Event News


LCGC Europe

LCGC EuropeLCGC Europe-02-01-2011
Volume 24
Issue 2
Pages: 110

Upcoming Events

HPLC 2011

The HPLC 2011 Budapest Symposium will take place on 19–23 June 2011 at the Budapest Congress and World Trade Centre in Hungary. The symposium will be organized by the Hungarian Society for Separation Sciences.

The 36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques is an international forum for scientific discussion of the methods of high performance liquid chromatography in its various forms, along with the complementary separation techniques such as electrophoresis, electrochromatography, field-flow fractionation, supercritical fluid chromatography, sample preparation and hyphenated techniques, such as LC–MS and CZE–MS. The field of microfluidics or lab-on-a-chip is also included.

At HPLC 2011 all kinds of application areas relevant to the use of liquid phase separations, as well as fundamental studies on advances in separation theories will be covered. Special emphasis will be put on current research areas characterized by innovative development. The HPLC symposia are definitely valuable resources for analytical chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists and those in the separation sciences seeking practical solutions.

The scientific programme will focus on state-of-the-art technology and the methodology of separation science. It will include plenary and keynote lectures. Lecturers both from academia and industry — at the forefront of the field — will present hot topics and state-of-the-art methods of separation science.

Discussions and exchange during poster sessions will constitute an essential and vital component of the symposium. The best poster presentations will be awarded prizes.

Short courses and tutorial lectures are an integral part of the scientific programme, which act as educational lectures for students and others new to various separation disciplines, and provide the opportunity to broaden one's understanding of separation science. Moreover, the short courses will provide the opportunity to meet and discuss separation problems with the real experts.

Exhibition and vendor seminars are intended to inform the participants about the latest developments in the field in terms of instrumentation, technology and applications.

The topics of HPLC 2011 include: Advances in Separation Techniques; Biomarker Discovery; Biopharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis; Chiral Separations; Clinical, Forensic and Toxicological Analysis; Column Technology and Stationary Phases; Data analysis and Chemometrics; Electrodriven Separations; Environmental Analysis; Food Safety; Agricultural Analysis; High-Temperature LC; Hyphenated Separations: LC–MS, CE–MS and LC–NMR; Industrial Aspects of Separations; Natural Product Analysis; New Instrumentation for LC; Oligonucleotide Separations; Planar Chromatography; Pharmaceutical Analysis; Polymer Analysis; Proteomics; Metabolomics; Glycomics; Retention Mechanisms and Retention Models; Sample Preparation; Theoretical Models and Insights; and Ultra-high Pressure LC.

The social programme of HPLC 2011 will include opening and closing receptions, symposium dinner, an organ concert and various optional activities.

For more information please visit the symposium website at www.hplc2011.com. The website includes information on abstract submission, registration, exhibition and sponsorship opportunities.

For further details contact Attila Varga, Symposium Manager of HPLC 2011 Budapest, e-mail: diamond@diamond-congress.hu

7–10 March 2011

Arablab 2011

Dubai Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE

Contact: David Domoney

Tel: +971 4 397 5418

Fax: +971 4 397 5419

E-mail: david@arablab.com

Website: www.arablab.com

21–24 March 2011

7th HIC/RPC Bioseparation Conference

Hotel Palacio Estoril, Estoril, Portugal

Contact: Nicole Hausmann

Tel: +41 61 686 77 11

Fax: +41 61 686 77 88

E-mail: hic_rpc@congrex.com

Website: www.hic-rpc.org

12–14 April 2011

6th International MS and Related Techniques Symposium

Hilton Manchester Deansgate, Manchester, UK

Contact: Beth Lauzon

27–28 April 2011

VII International Ion Chromatography Conference

Katowice, Poland

Organizer: Institute of Environmental Engineering of Polish Academy of Science

Contact: Rajmund Michalski

Tel: +48 32 2716481

Fax: +48 32 2717470

E-mail: michalski@ipis.zabrze.pl

Website: www.cia-conference.com/

5–6 May 2011

New EU GMP Annex 11 Regulations for Computerized Systems

Heidelberg, Germany

Organizer: Concept Heidelberg

Contact: Marion Grimm

Tel: +49 62 21 844418

Fax: +49 62 21 844434

E-mail: grimm@concept-heidelberg.de

Website: www.concept-heidelberg.de

Website: http://www.gmp-compliance.org/

Send any event news to Doug Kitson at dkitson@advanstar.com

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