Weighted Linear Least-Squares Fit — A Need? Monte Carlo Simulation Gives the Answer
April 1st 2015Spreadsheet computer simulations can identify the influencing factors for the set-up of a calibration function such as the number of calibration points and their distribution or the position of the experimental points. By using a Monte Carlo approach, the quality of the experimental results (bias and standard deviation) can be studied under different conditions. This article presents a spreadsheet for the simulation of unweighted and weighted linear least-squares fit.
New Chromatography Columns and Accessories for 2015
April 1st 2015Our annual review of new liquid chromatography columns and accessories, introduced at Pittcon and throughout the previous year. This year, Michael Swartz, former author of our “Innovations in HPLC” and “Validation Viewpoint” columns, steps in as a guest columnist to write the review.
Profiling PBDE Levels In Baltic Sea Fish
March 30th 2015Fish from the Baltic Sea are a major source of lipophilic environmental pollutants for consumers in Finland. Surrounded by land, the Baltic Sea is one of the most threatened marine environments, making fish from the Baltic Sea a major source of lipophilic environmental pollutants including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs).
Analyzing PSTs in Shellfish Aquaculture
March 30th 2015Paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) are naturally occurring toxins produced by some species of microscopic algae that can accumulate in filter feeding shellfish. These toxins are a threat to shellfish aquaculture and pose a serious hazard to public health when ingested. A group of scientists has developed a method using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled to ultrahigh?performance LC tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC UHPLC–MS–MS) to determine PSTs in a variety of shellfish species as part of the Safe New Zealand Seafood Research programme.
Detecting Off-Target Bromethalin Poisoning
March 30th 2015Researchers from the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory at the University of California Davis in the USA have developed an ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS) method for the detection of desmethylbromethalin (DMB) residues in animal tissues.
The LCGC Blog: Useful Tips for GC-MS
March 19th 2015There are many aspects of analytical science which abound with myth and legend – but gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and more specifically the electron ionization (EI) process, stands out as the technique which has given rise to the largest number of ‘urban myths’ and misunderstandings.
Applications of Ultra-high Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Metabolomics
March 19th 2015Ultra high resolution, accurate mass (UHRAM) mass spectrometry is a powerful new approach to high throughput screening and quantitation in complex sample matrices. To learn more about how UHRAM is used in metabolomics, LCGC talked with Jason Locasale, Assistant Professor in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University.View the associated whitepaper.