Event News


LCGC Europe

LCGC EuropeLCGC Europe-12-01-2012
Volume 25
Issue 12
Pages: 689

Event News

6th International Symposium on the Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules (SCM-6)

The 6th International Symposium on the Separation and Characterization of Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules (SCM-6) will take place on 6–8 February 2013 in Dresden, Germany. SCM-6 will bring together a variety of scientists who share an interest in the separation and characterization of large molecules. The target audience includes specialists from analytical chemistry, polymer science, and life-science communities. SCM-6 creates a platform for scientists from diverging backgrounds and with different current perspectives to interact, discuss subjects of mutual interest, and to discover new synergies.

The conference will take place in the Congress Centre Dresden close to the historical heart of the city. An exhibition of instruments and consumables will take place in the exhibition hall with a spectacular city view. The exposition will be actively integrated with the poster sessions and social programme, catering and receptions.

The programme will feature a limited number of invited plenary, state-of-the-art and keynote lectures on a variety of recent topics, challenges and developments in the field. Tutorials are intended to bring non-specialists up-to-date on important topics in the field of polymer separation and characterization.

The scientific programme will feature a number of the very best speakers in the field. The organizers also aim to provide talented young researchers with the opportunity to present their work. During SCM-6, the scientific advisory committee will select the most innovative contribution in the field of separation and characterization of natural and synthetic macromolecules. The award will be presented during the closing session on the last symposium day.

Participants are invited to contribute to the programme by submitted oral and poster presentations. Abstracts for contributions can be submitted by via the webpage www.scm-6.de. The online registration is open. Two short courses with renowned experts in the field will be held before the conference:

Short course 1: Monday 4 February 2013: Field-Flow Fractionation of Natural Polymers –Kim Williams (USA) and Lars Nilsson (Sweden).

Short course 2: Tuesday 5 February 2013: Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry – Jana Falkenhagen (Germany) and Christopher Barner-Kowollik (Germany).

For centuries Dresden has been praised as one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. Visitors to Dresden are impressed by the baroque architecture, the harmony between the architecture and the river, and by the picturesque surroundings. The work of inspired master builders, sculptors and architects endowed the city with edifices of rare splendour. There is also great traditions in the fields of music, theatre, arts and sciences create a unique atmosphere.


Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.

Hohe Str. 6, 01069 Dresden, Germany

Tel: +49 351 4658-282

Fax: +49 351 4658-214

E-mail: scm-6@ipfdd.de

Web: www.scm-6.de.

11–12 February 2013

2nd Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction Technical Meeting

Novotel Vaugirard, Paris, France

Organizers: Veolia Environment Research and Innovation

Chair: David Benanou

Tel: +33 1 34 93 8121

E-mail: david.benanou@veolia.com

Website: www.sbsetechnicalmeeting.com

10–14 March 2013

29th Symposium on Microscale Preparations

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

Organizers: UVa Foundation

Tel: (434) 960 6525

E-mail: MSB2013@comcast.net

Website: www.msb2013.net

17–21 March 2013

Pittcon 2013 Conference and Exposition

Pennsylvania Convention Centre, Philadelphia, USA

Organizers: The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy

Tel: 412-825-3220

E-mail: info@pittcon.org

Website: www.pittcon.org

24–25 April 2013

Ion Chromatography 2013

Zabrze, Poland

Organizers: Institute of Environmental Engineering of Polish Academy of Science

Tel: +48 32 2716481

Fax: +48 32 2717470

E-mail: michalski@ipis.zabrze.pl

Website: www.ipis.zabrze.pl/en/conferences/65-planowane-ipi-pan

16–20 June 2013

HPLC2013 Amsterdam

Amsterdam RAI Conference Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Co-chairs: Peter Schoenmakers and Wim Kok

E-mail: hplc2013@caos.nl

Website: www.hplc2013.org

Send any event news to Kate Mosford kmosford@advanstar.com