Demystifying L/dp Ratio When Working with Allowable Adjustments
September 23rd 2024This white paper explores L/dp ratio for pharmacopeia allowable adjustments. It considers efficiency, explaining why L/dp ratio can be used as a proxy for efficiency, and illustrates the allowable adjustments through reviewing at a selection of different monographs.
Reliable and Objective Antibody Analysis with the New Agilent ProteoAnalyzer System
September 18th 2024This technical overview compares the characterization of NISTmAb using the ProteoAnalyzer with published NIST data obtained via traditional single capillary CE-SDS technology. The results show strong correlation with the reference data, confirming that the ProteoAnalyzer is a reliable tool for analytical workflows.
5 Things to Consider When Selecting a Chromatography Silica
September 17th 2024Particularly in the pharmaceutical industry, drug purity isn’t just a goal – it’s essential for achieving safety, stability and efficacy. However, purification is easier said than done, especially with challenging molecules like DNA and RNA “oligonucleotides,” due in large part to their diversity and the range of impurities that can be generated during production. Enter DAVISIL® chromatographic silica, with a wide range of pore diameters and particle sizes to meet your specific application, performance and sustainability requirements. Before you choose the chromatography resin for your next purification application, take a look at these 5 considerations.
Purification of Omega-3 Fatty Acids from Fish Oil
September 17th 2024Separation of free fatty acids from triglycerides can be inefficient and challenging, resulting in low yields. Whether using supercritical fluid chromatography or standard liquid chromatography, discover why DAVISIL® Chromatographic Silica has been referenced in third-party publications as the preferred separation medium because of its greater capacity. Learn more about Omega-3 Fatty Acids purification from Fish Oil in this technical data sheet.
The Benefits of Custom Bonded Silica
September 17th 2024Not all chromatography resins are created equal. Off-the-shelf chromatography resins might not always meet the rigorous purification requirements of biopharmaceutical manufacturing. Custom bonded silica from Grace can address a wide range of separation challenges, leading to real performance improvements. Discover more about the latest innovations in chromatography silica from Grace, including VYDAC® and DAVISIL®.
Streamlining the Analysis of Lipid Mediators with the Extrahera Sample Prep Workstation
September 10th 2024Customer Interview with Antonio Checa, a senior researcher at the Wheelock’s lab at the Karolina Institute describing automating the sample prep workflow in the analysis of lipid mediators such as oxylipinds.
Essential Techniques for Developing Robust Bioanalytical Methods
September 10th 2024Webinar: Review of the fundamentals of common sample prep techniques, such as protein precipitation, liquid-liquid and supported liquid extraction, and solid-phase extraction, breaking down their mechanisms of action and highlighting strategies for choosing the best technique to use in bioanalysis.
Real-Time Measurement of EPA Regulated HON Compounds and Environmental Pollutants Using SIFT-MS
September 6th 2024This application note describes the determination of method detection limits (MDLs) for the newly regulated HON (Hazardous Organic NESHAP) compounds, which validate SIFT-MS as an effective solution for measuring these toxic VOCs and other environmental pollutants in ambient air, whether at the fence line or in a mobile setting.