Application Notes: GC-MS
Photo-oxidation Study of Polyisoprene
This application note presents data on a rapid, automated polymer degradation study of rubber under ultraviolet (UV) light in air.
Smart-Ramped Pyrolysis-GC–MS for Forensic Analysis
Smart-ramped pyrolysis-GC–MS analysis of forensic samples such as paint, adhesive tape, and mascara gives maximum info in a single run without method development.
Smart-Ramped Pyrolysis-GC-MS of Nylon Products
Smart-ramped pyrolysis-GC–MS analysis of nylon material in consumer products, food packaging, and clothing generates info in one run without method development.
Smart-Ramped Pyrolysis-GC–MS of Acrylates and Methacrylates
Smart-ramped pyrolysis-GC–MS analysis of (meth)acrylates in consumer products, caulk, and nail hardener gives maximum info in a single run without method development.
Sampling Plant Volatiles for GC-MS Analysis
Solvent-free extraction by passive sampling using TF-SPME and HSSE, and by active pumped sampling onto sorbent tubes, are compared for TD-GC–MS analysis of volatiles.
Sensory Directed Flavour Analysis of Pea-Based Tuna
Olfactory detection of sensory-active compounds guides GC–MS analysis for efficient flavour assessment of foodstuffs and their plant-based replacement products.
Flavour Analysis of Hard Seltzer Beverages
Solvent-free extraction and analyte concentration using TF-SPME and SBSE are optimized for TD-GC–MS determination of flavour compounds in hard seltzer beverages.
Using Pyrolysis-MS for Evolved Gas Analysis
This study demonstrates the use of pyrolysis-(GC¬–)MS to generate simulated TGA-MS data for polymers. The mode of operation is also referred to as evolved gas analysis.
Microplastics in Water by Smart-Ramped Pyrolysis-GC-MS
Smart-ramped pyrolysis-GC¬–MS analysis of microplastics in water filtration residue gives maximum info in one run. Examples are runoff, grey-, pond-, and bottled water.
Automated Determination of VOC Emissions
A micro-scale chamber method performs DNPH derivatization and Tenax TA sorption for analysis of formaldehyde and carbonyl compounds by LC–UV, and VOCs by GC–MS.
EPA 8260D with the CDS 8500
Analysis of volatile organics in soils using the CDS 8500 Automated Purge and Trap System.
Optimized Hydrogen Fuel Impurity Analysis
This application note shows the robust, reproducible analysis of trace VOCs in hydrogen fuel by TD–GC–MS/SCD.
Quantification of Indoor Limonene Concentrations
Thermal desorption GC-MS is used to quantify indoor limonene concentrations from diffusers.
Determination of Drinking Water's Organic Compounds
Detecting over 120 pollutants including pesticides, PAHs, PCBs, phthalates and adipates, this method can prove useful in environmental crises involving water pollution.
Analysis of PFAS in air
Analysis of trace per- and polyfluorinated organic vapours in air using cryogen-free thermal desorption and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Smart Ramped Pyrolysis-GC-MS for Forensic Analysis
Smart ramped pyrolysis-GC–MS analysis of forensic samples such as paint, adhesive tape, and mascara gives maximum info in a single run without method development.
GC-MS/MS Analysis of Semivolatile Compounds
This application presents an optimized GC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of the 84 SVOCs listed in EPA Method 8270E.
Extraction of VOCs in Aromatherapy Oil
This application note demonstrates a quick temperature ramp technique to improve the focusing of VOCs without using a secondary focusing trap.
Analysis of Furan and Alkylfurans in Food Commodities by SPME Arrow GC–MS (Dec 2022)
In this study, SPME Arrow sample preparation was tested for the analysis of furan and alkylfurans in baby formula and coffee samples.
Analysis of Furan and Alkylfurans in Food Commodities by SPME Arrow GC-MS
Analysis of dioxins by GC-TQMS
Dioxins refer to polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and related compounds polychlorinated dibenzofurans. These two groups of compounds are among the most toxic chemicals.
Multiplexed pesticide analysis by GC-TQMS
GC-TQMS of pesticides is a routine application. The SCION 8900 TQMS with the 8500 GC can perform rapid multiplex screening of pesticides without losing sensitivity.
Measuring PFAS Pollution in Ambient Air
A demonstration of how TD–GC–MS/MS enables measurement of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in air at concentrations as low as 2 pg/m3.
Environmental Contaminant Analysis Compendium
We have you covered. From sample receipt to regulatory reporting, with the most comprehensive chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation in the world.
New Application Guide: Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) by GC
A comprehensive selection of applications for the determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Monitoring Disinfection By-Products in Water
Nontarget screening of organic pollutants in water using thin-film SPME, GC×GC, and TOF-MS to determine compositional differences in water purification treatment
Pyrolysis-GC–MS Software for Microplastics Analysis
This application note demonstrates pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry libraries for identification and quantification of microplastics.
Speed Up Multiresidue Pesticides Analysis in Food with Low-Pressure GC–MS
This LPGC–MS pesticides analysis utilizes a low-pressure GC column kit, comprised of a narrow restrictor column, factory coupled to a wider Rtx-5ms analytical column.
A Fast and Robust GC–MS/MS Analysis of 203 Pesticides in 10 Min in Spinach
This application note describes two approaches for achieving a robust, multiresidue pesticide analysis in 10 min by GC–MS/MS for over 200 pesticides in spinach.
Five Keys to Unlock Maximum Performance in the Analysis of Over 200 Pesticides in Challenging Food Matrices by GC–MS/MS
Learn best practices to enhance analytical performance for the analysis of > 200 pesticides in challenging matrices using Agilent triple quadrupole GC–MS instruments.