Digital Update


LCGC Europe

LCGC EuropeLCGC Europe-06-01-2010
Volume 23
Issue 6

The latest digital products

New Chromatography e-learning modules

CHROMacademy is a chromatography e-learning programme that provides continuing profesional development for chromatographers to make them more effective in the work place. There are over 3000 pages of e-learning on HPLC, GC, MS and Sample Preperation techniques to improve practical knowledge for the absolute novice (What is Chromatography?) to the expert who needs a refresher in a particular topic (Advanced Topics in LC-MS Spectral Interpretation, for example). The site can be also used for induction training or programmed learning activites and there are tutorials and assessments built into all learning modules to check progress. The first official webinar: Essential Guide 1: Split /Splitless Injection for Capillary GC attracted 568 visitors. The recorded session is available via the CHROMmunity at (under the WEBCASTS Tab). Other Webcasts include Essential Guide 2: Mobile Phase Optimization Strategies for Reversed Phase HPLC; Essential Guide 3: Understanding and Optimizing Detectors for Capillary GC; and Essential Guide 4: Mobile Phase Optimization Strategies for Reversed Phase HPLC.

On-line community for SDMS users

Waters has launched an on-line community featuring resources for users of the company's Empower software and NuGenesis scientific data management system (SDMS) as well as access to experts and shared user experiences. The site provides easy access to the latest information about software, targeted support materials and exclusive content only available to the community, according to the company, To date some of the most popular discussion topics among members include data sharing between colleagues around the world, Window 7 support for Empower and SDMS and validation requirements for chromatography data systems.

Biomarker discovery platform

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has partnered with Ceres Nanosciences and Nonlinear Dynamics to release the Nanotrap Biomarker Discovery Platform, which the company claims gives researchers the ability to enrich, preserve and screen low-level biomarkers directly from complex biological samples. Nanotraps are core shell hydrogel particles with porous interiors and size exclusion shells. Progenesis MALDI, the software component of the platform, is reported to generate high-quality proteomics data to define biomarkers. It uses the Progenesis approach and technology to improve the reliability and reproducibility of results which, according to the company, adds speed, objectivity and statistics to biomarker discovery.

Petrochemical analysis software

DataApex has announced enhancements for Clarity Chromatography Software available in the updated version 2.8. According to the company, the added optional extension for natural gas analysis (NGA) calculations greatly enhances use in the petrochemical industry. The NGA extension performs the compression factor, mean molecular weight, density, Wobbe index and other calculations using different norms. The new Launch Manager utility allows the system to start with predefined profiles with different configurations and user preferences to facilitate switching instrument configurations. The OQ Validation Wizard guides the user through the operational qualification of the software that can now validate digital detectors.

Chemical and sensory database

Alpha MOS has developed a new database for aroma and chemical characterization by gas chromatography analysis. The AroChemBase library uses the Kovats Index as a reference method and is reported to include 2900 compounds of which 1400 have sensory attributes, with chemical information (Name, formula, CAS number, molecular weight, Retention Index) available for several columns. According to the company, when used with a two-column GC-based electronic nose or GC system, it allows a dual-column identification and ranking. The database can be enriched with user data and it is also possible to extract tailored sub-libraries.

Informatics system

Bio-Rad has released a fully integrated software and database package to provide multiple tools, including database building and management, search, analysis, structure drawing and reporting within a single user interface. According to the company, the KnowItAll Informatics System 8.2 includes a series of new report templates for more efficient output and improved design and a function to preview chromatograms and spectra to be used for searching, interpretation or database creation before the file is actually opened. The informatics system is reported to offer a fully integrated environment with flexible and expandable software and database solutions for chromatography, MS, cheminformatics; chemometrics, metabolomics and more.

Lab automation system

Labtronics has announced the release of Nexxis iLAB 5.0, a total lab automation system. This system integrates ELN, SDMS and instrument integration into a single package that is ready to go out of the box, according to the company. The company claims that it enhances the value of an existing LIMS by providing extra functionality. It controls the analyst step-by-step to prevent mistakes, enforces training and prevents an analyst from doing work if training has expired, according to the company. Expiration dates on chemicals and the calibration on instruments are current and enforced.

Evaporators and concentration systems website

Genevac has announced an online resource that the company claims brings together the latest technological innovations, applications advances and links to references that detail the current scope of evaporative sample preparation techniques used in clinical and diagnostic testing. Visitors to the website can learn how the company's evaporators and concentration systems are used by clinical biochemists for a number of testing methods, including vitamin D analysis, vitamin K analysis, drugs of abuse testing and neonatal screening. To enable scientists to understand the detail of the various evaporative and concentration techniques used in these applications, further background information can be found in the technology section.

Send any digital developments in chromatography to Doug Kitson at