Supplementary Information: Utility of the Summation Chromatographic Peak Integration Function to Avoid Manual Reintegrations in the Analysis of Targeted Analytes
This information is supplementary to the article “Utility of the Summation Chromatographic Peak Integration Function to Avoid Manual Reintegrations in the Analysis of Targeted Analytes” that was published in the June 2017 LCGC North America issue (1).
Evaluation of Retention and Selectivity Using Biphenyl Stationary Phases
In biphenyl phases, the surface chemistry often makes it possible to separate compounds not well resolved by C18 or phenyl phases.
Method Adjustment the USP Way
How much of a change can you make to a USP method without revalidating the method?
UHPLC, Part I: Perspectives and Instrumental Features
In this three-part series, we assess how UHPLC evolved into a modern platform. We start by examining the most important features common to most commercial instruments.
Critical Evaluation of HPLC Methods: Working with Ionizable Analytes
Improve your analysis of ionizable analytes with these hints and tips.
Applicability of Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange in Comparing Conformations of Innovator to Biosimilar Biopharmaceutical Products
Significant recent advances now enable routine usage of HDX-MS for comparing the conformations of biopharmaceutical products.
Utility of the Summation Chromatographic Peak Integration Function to Avoid Manual Reintegrations in the Analysis of Targeted Analytes
We present an empirical assessment of summation integration involving 490 low-pressure GC–MS/MS analyses of 70 pesticides in 10 common fruits and vegetables over the course of 10 days.
Vol 35 No 6 LCGC North America June 2017 Regular Issue PDF
Click the title above to open the LCGC North America June 2017 regular issue, Vol 35 No 6, in an interactive PDF format.