Flying High with Sensitivity and Selectivity:- GC–MS to GC–MS/MS
February 1st 2021Mass spectrometry (MS) is the most powerful detector available for gas chromatography (GC). This article reviews the fundamentals of MS/MS and how they relate to MS as a detector for GC, then examines scenarios where use of GC–MS/MS can solve complex problems.
A Review of MOSH and MOAH Analysis in Food
February 1st 2021An overview of the analytical approaches proposed, from sample preparation to the final chromatographic determination, for the reliable risk assessment of mineral oil hydrocarbon (MOH) contaminants in food. The analysis of these contaminants in food is a challenging task and requires a comprehensive approach to tackle the cumbersome issues related to their determination.
What’s Good About the WHO Good Chromatography Practices Guidance? Part 2
February 1st 2021In September, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a new guidance document on Good Chromatography Practices. What guidance does it contain and is it useful? Has the document failed its system suitability test (SST) acceptance criteria?