Identifying Antioxidative Properties in Berries with UHPLC-MS
Published: November 27th 2024 | Updated: November 27th 2024A recent study identified and quantified anthocyanin (which are known for their antioxidative properties and potential effectiveness against depression) in blueberries, blackberries, black mulberries, and cranberries using ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) followed by in vivo evaluation of their antidepressant-like activities.
Measuring Stress and Reproductive Hormones in Dolphins with UHPLC
November 25th 2024A recent study measured stress and reproductive hormones in three stocks of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins inhabiting different natural salinities across the Gulf of Mexico, with hormones extracted from the blubber of 82 remotely biopsied dolphins and quantified using ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled with orbital ion trap fusion mass spectrometry.
LC-HRMS Technology Used to Track Chemical Migration in Reusable Plastic Bottles
Published: November 18th 2024 | Updated: November 19th 2024Aiming to develop a comprehensive strategy for evaluating the chemical migration from various reusable plastic bottles, researchers from the University of Copenhagen utilized vacuum evaporation concentration (VEC) enrichment combined with liquid chromatography (LC) high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) analysis to investigate a wide range of materials from different manufacturers to identify those with higher and lower chemical migration rates.
Analyzing Organic Acids in Fruit-Based Kombucha Analogues Using HPLC
Published: November 15th 2024 | Updated: November 19th 2024A recent study evaluated the potential of fruit by-products from acerola, guava, and tamarind’s potential in producing fermented beverages, with their acid profiles determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
RP-HPLC Analysis of Polyphenols and Antioxidants in Dark Chocolate
November 13th 2024A recent study set out to assess the significance of geographical and varietal factors in the content of alkaloids, phenolic compounds, and the antioxidant capacity of chocolate samples. Filtered extracts were analyzed by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) and spectrophotometric methods to determine individual phenolics and overall indexes of antioxidant and flavonoid content.
LC–MS/MS Quantification of Plasma Proteins in Elephant Seals to Advance Wildlife Conservation
November 12th 2024Liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) was used to show that repeated stress can cause delayed but sustained changes in blood plasma proteins associated with water conservation, immune responses, fat metabolism, insulin sensitivity, iron recycling, and hormone transport in elephant seals. Some of these changes may be novel markers of recent and chronic stress exposure in marine mammals.
RP-HPLC to Determine Protein Composition and Bread Volume of German Common Wheat Landraces
November 8th 2024A recent study investigated the protein composition and baking quality of 14 German common wheat landraces, with 6 modern varieties serving as a control group. The protein composition was determined using modified Osborne fractionation and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC).
RP-HPLC to Compare Genotoxic Impurities in Extracted and Synthetic Nicotine
November 7th 2024A recent study examined the impurity profile of thirteen different lots of synthetic nicotine and compared them to fourteen lots of nicotine extracted from plants using in-house analytical methods, with samples tested for alkaloids and phenols with reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC).
Analyzing Regional Aroma Characteristics of Wines with GC-MS
November 6th 2024The aroma properties of spontaneously fermented Cabernet Sauvignon wines produced from seven sub-regions of Shangri-La, China were comprehensively analyzed using the headspace micro-extraction with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), odor activity values, and olfactory evaluation.
New Study Examines PFAS in Breast Milk Using LC-MS/MS
November 5th 2024On the suggestion that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) affect both lactation and the human metabolome, perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) were measured in the milk of 425 participants from the New Hampshire Birth Cohort Study using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).
Analyzing Bone Proteins in Forensic Laboratories Using LC−MS/MS
November 4th 2024A recent study compared different workflows for extracting, purifying, and analyzing bone proteins using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), including an in-StageTip protocol previously optimized for forensic applications, and two protocols using novel suspension-trap technology (S-Trap) and different lysis solutions. LCGC International discussed this work with Noemi Procopio of the School of Law and Policing and the Research Centre for Field Archaeology and Forensic Taphonomy at the University of Central Lancashire (UK), corresponding author of the paper that resulted from this study.
Profiling Amino Acids in Wine Grapes with UHPLC-FLD
October 31st 2024Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, coupled with a fluorescence detector, was used in a recent study to profile 23 amino acids and glutathione in juices of four internationally relevant grape varieties grown under different soil and climatic conditions.
LC for Characterizing Qualitative Traits in Blood Oranges
October 29th 2024An investigation of the accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites, including bioactive compounds, to characterize the qualitative traits of blood oranges at the time of harvest was conducted, with liquid chromatography identifying and quantifying simple sugars, and spectrophotometric analysis identifying and quantifying organic acids, polyphenols, and flavonoids.
Using GC to Investigate Nerve Agent Presence on Indoor Surfaces
October 28th 2024LCGC International recently spoke to Tomáš Rozsypal of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence Institute of the University of Defence (Vyskov, Czech Republic) about his work utilizing gas chromatography in researching the persistence of A-234 nerve agent on indoor surfaces, and the paper that resulted from it.
Analyzing Pesticide Presence in Apples with LC-MS/MS
October 24th 2024In a recently published study, liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to analyze 100 Turkish apple samples for the presence of 225 different pesticide residues during the 2022-2023 harvest season.
Characterizing a Mixed Mode Fluorocarbon/Weak Anion Exchange Sorbent for PFAS Separation
Published: October 22nd 2024 | Updated: October 22nd 2024For the first time, the effectiveness of select fluorinated sorbents in the isolation of 15 PFAS compounds of different classes, compared to non-fluorinated sorbents, on solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber geometry was investigated.
Characterizing Cooked Cheese Flavor with Gas Chromatography
October 11th 2024A joint study by the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Reading and Synergy Flavours aimed to identify volatiles that contribute to the aroma of cooked cheese, including the role of fat content in development during cooking.