Heidi Grecsek, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences
Using Chromatography to Study Microplastics in Food: An Interview with Jose Bernal
December 16th 2024LCGC International sat down with Jose Bernal to discuss his latest research in using pyrolysis gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (Py-GC–MS) and other chromatographic techniques in studying microplastics in food analysis.
Separation of Ultra-Short and Long Chain PFAS Compounds Using a Positive Charge Surface Column
December 11th 2024A separation of ultra-short and long chain PFAS (C1-C18) is performed on a HALO®PCS Phenyl-Hexyl column along with a HALO®PFAS Delay column which demonstrates excellent retention for both hydrophilic and hydrophobic analytes.
Overcoming Common Challenges to Determine Residual Impurities Using IC in APIs with Limited Water
December 10th 2024Organic solvents are generally not compatible with ion chromatography (IC) systems. The approach presented here assists the use of organic solvents for sample preparation and provides a mechanism for the removal of the organic solvents from the chromatographic flow path.
The Chromatographic Society 2025 Martin and Jubilee Award Winners
December 6th 2024The Chromatographic Society (ChromSoc) has announced the winners of the Martin Medal and the Silver Jubilee Medal for 2025. Professor Bogusław Buszewski of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, has been awarded the prestigious Martin Medal, and the 2025 Silver Jubilee Medal has been awarded to Elia Psillakis of the Technical University of Crete in Greece.