Automate Non-Targeted LC-MS/MS Identification with KnowItAll LC Expert



Webinar Date/Time: Thurs, March 27, 2025 11:00 AM EST

Join us to learn how the new KnowItAll LC Expert can take your LC-MS/MS component identification from hours to minutes.

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Event Overview:

LC-MS datasets are difficult to process. Additionally, it’s difficult to extract meaningful information from them. However, when correctly executed, LC-MS is an unmatched technique for detecting unknown components and monitoring known ones.

KnowItAll’s new LC Expert reduces barriers to LC-MS processing and data analysis by automating identification of unknown compounds and targeted analyses. It’s designed for scientists of all levels—from entry level to advanced—performing small molecule identifications.

Find out how this new technology can transform your LC-MS workflow.
Key Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how LC Expert can be used for non-targeted analysis (NTA) through MS/MS identifications and accurate mass searches.
  • Explore the tools customized for LC-MS workflows.
  • See a live demonstration of LC Expert.

Who Should Attend:

Users of LC-MS instrumentation and those seeking to learn more about LC-MS data analysis, such as those working in pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics, environmental, agrochemical, biotechnology, toxicology, academia, and other relevant application areas.


Nadia Laschuk, PhD
Product Manager - Software and Databases - New Techniques
Wiley Science Solutions

Nadia Laschuk, PhD, is a product manager for Wiley Science Solutions, where she oversees the development of new products and databases while supporting existing KnowItAll capabilities. She earned her PhD in materials science from Ontario Tech University, where she executed chemistry research using a variety of instrumental analytical techniques. Since joining Wiley in 2022, Laschuk has focused on cheminformatics and software development.

Zille Huma
Senior Editor
Wiley Science Solutions

Zille Huma is a senior editor for Wiley Science Solutions where she supports new and existing database releases. Huma previously completed her bachelor's degree in chemistry at Rutgers University and has been with Wiley since 2018.

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