Analytica 2016 Tuesday Morning Sessions


LCGC Europe eNews

Analytica 2016 Tuesday Morning Sessions

Session Title: Structural “Omics” (Room 02)


Chairman:  Prof. Dr. C. Borchers 


10:30 –

J. R. Yates:

Using Mass Spectrometry to Understand Cystic Fibrosis as a Protein Misfolding Disease

11:00 –

F. Herzog:

To Be Confirmed

11:30 –

A. Leitner:

A New Software Tool for Quantitative Chemical Cross-linking/Mass Spectrometry  


Session Title: Liquid Profiling/Liquid Biopsy (Room 04a)


Chairman: Prof. Dr. D. Teupser


11:00 –

M. Neumaier:

Tumor Marker Reloaded: Overcoming the Specificity Gap

11:30 –

E. Lianidou:

Tumor Cells Analysis: Following the Tumor in Peripheral Blood  


Session Title: Separation Techniques: How Many Dimensions Are Enough? (Room 05)


Chairman: Prof. Dr. O. J. Schmitz


10:00 –

C. Huhn:

Versatility of Capillary Electrophoresis – Applications and Instrumental Innovations for Multidimensional Separation

10:30 –

D. Belder:

2D-Separations in the Micro World

11:00 –

H. G. Schmarr:

How can Flavor Analysis Benefit from Multidimensional Chromatographic Separation Techniques?

11:30 – Break

11:45 –

L. Mondello:

The On-Line Combination of High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (LC-GCxGC/MS/MS) for the Analysis of Complex Samples  


Session Title: Foodomics - Tools for Comprehensive Food Analysis (Room 03)


Chairman: Prof. Dr. P. Schmitt-Kopplin


10:30 – A. Cifuentes:

Recent Developments and Perspectives in Foodomics

11:00 –

M. Fischer:

To Be Announced

11:30 –

J. Brockmeyer:

Proteomics in Allergen Detection and Characterization