Special Issues
Spectroscopy columnist Ken Busch once again brings readers his comprehensive list of common acronyms used in the field of mass spectrometry.
Acronyms used in mass spectrometry appear in printed publications of researahers working in established areas, and also are coined at and used in meetings, presentations, and proceedings. The latter especially reflect new applications, with new audiences, each of which generates a unique technical jargon. Acronyms reflect the diverse and vibrant discipline of mass spectrometry, but shorthand-speak can become common, and practitioners in one subdiscipline tend to become more isolated, even in conversation, from their colleagues in other areas. Researchers enjoy coining acronyms as much as the federal government, and our acronym-laden language can become intimidating. Additionally, a new acronym can rise to general use, or can be orphaned and its meaning lost. In this installment, we add more acronyms to the already extensive collection, culled from recent publications, proceedings, and web sites in the field of mass spectrometry. Inclusion of an acronym in this list is not explicitly an endorsement for its use by the community; the nomenclators eventually make their judgments, but the community itself enforces a certain discipline. Immortality in the annals of science is not to be gained by coining a new acronym; a truly useful acronym quickly becomes distributed so widely that its originator is forgotten, and even commercial trademark protection can be insufficient.
Kenneth L. Busch
For some recent additions to the acronym list, a short description is provided, along with a recent (not necessarily the first) reference. Visit the reference given for a more complete description. Space constraints preclude extensive discussions here — but perhaps later in a future coffee-table book, when mass spectrometers themselves shrink to the same scale. Most acronyms are composed of uppercase letters, but a few traditionally are given as sequences of lowercase letters, or a mixture, and sometimes including punctuation, all to the consternation of spell-checkers, editors, and indexers everywhere. We retain acronyms in this list but not specialized nomenclature or abbreviations. If your favorite acronym is missing, if you would like to argue for an acronym's deletion, or to correct an error, please contact the author at WyvernAssoc@yahoo.com
A Anion
AA Amino acid
ACMS Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry
ADC Analog-to-digital converter
ADO Average dipole orientation
AE Appearance energy
AEI Associated Electric Industries, a past MS manufacturer
AGC Automatic gain control
AGHIS All-glass-heated-inlet system
AMS Accelerator mass spectrometry; adolescent mass spectrometrists
amu atomic mass unit
AN Auger neutralization; application note (in JASMS)
ANP 2-amino-5-nitropyridine (a MALDI matrix)
ANZSMS Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry
AP Appearance potential; atmospheric pressure
APCI Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization
API Atmospheric-pressure ionization
APPI Atmospheric-pressure photoionization
AREX Axial resonant excitation
ARMS Angle-resolved mass spectrometry
ASGDIMS Atmospheric-sampling glow discharge ionization mass spectrometry
ASMS American Society for Mass Spectrometry
ASTM American Society for the Testing of Materials
ATT 6-Aza-2-thiothymine (a MALDI matrix)
AVS Accelerating-voltage scan; American Vacuum Society
B Magnetic sector mass analyzer, magnetic field; magnetic sector field strength or flux density
BAMS Bioaerosol mass spectrometry
BAT Best anode temperature
BDE Bond dissociation energy
B/E Linked scan for product ions in MS-MS
B2E Linked scan for parent ions in MS-MS
BEoQ A reverse-geometry sector instrument followed by an octupole collision cell followed by a quadrupole mass filter
BEqQ A reverse-geometry sector instrument followed by a collision quadrupole followed by a quadrupole mass filter
BEMS Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry (a former MS journal)
BET Best emitter temperature
BIAMS™ Biomolecular interaction analysis mass spectrometry
BIRD Blackbody infrared radiative dissociation
BMS Biomedical Mass Spectrometry; Biological Mass Spectrometry
BMSS British Mass Spectrometry Society
BNG Bradbury–Nelson gate
BrMASS Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Society
BSMS Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry
BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene
c "Conventional" collision cell
C Cation; coulomb; short communication in JASMS
CA Collisional activation
CAD Collisionally activated decomposition
CAF Chemically assisted fragmentation
CCA α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (a MALDI matrix)
CCE-ES Controlled-current electro- chemistry electrospray
The electrospray ionization process is, at its core, an electrochemical process. As such, the insights and strategies developed over years of classical analytical electrochemistry can be brought to bear to generate additional sensitivity and specificity from the electrospray ionization. Many research workers are advancing this field. In this paper, oxidations and reductions of electrochemically active compounds are reflected in the positive and negative ion electrospray mass spectra. Because the current demands on the electrochemical system are small, relatively simple, battery-operated circuitry is devised to operate in conjunction with the electrospray source. See V. Kertesz and G.J. Van Berkel, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 17(7), 953–961 (2006).
CDEM Continuous-dynode electron multiplier
CDNT Conformation-dependent neutralization theory
CE Charge exchange; collision energy; capillary electrophoresis
CEC Consolidated Electric Corporation (a former MS manufacturer)
CEMA Channel electron-multiplier array
cf ConFlat™
CFFAB Continuous-flow fast atom bombardment
CFP Continuous flow probe
CHCA Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (a MALDI matrix)
CI Chemical ionization
CID Collision-induced dissociation
CIDI Collisionally induced dissociative ionization
CIT Cylindrical ion trap
CM Center-of-mass
CMD Carbohydrate membrane desalter
CNL Constant neutral loss
CODA Component detection algorithm
COM Center-of-mass
COMSPARI Comparison of spectral retention information
CREMS Charge-reduction electrospray mass spectrometry
CRM Charged residue model; certified reference material
CS Charge stripping
CSMS Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry
CV Compensation voltage; cone voltage
CX Charge exchange
CXP Collision-cell exit potential
CZE–MS Capillary zone electrophoresis mass spectrometry
D Disproportionation factor; deuterium
Da Dalton
DA Dopant-assisted
DAC Digital-to-analog converter
DADI Direct analysis of daughter ions
DAPCI Desorption atmospheric- pressure chemical ionization
DAR Data-acquisition routine
DART Direct analysis in real time
DB Database
dbe Double-bond equivalent
DCI Desorption (or direct) chemical ionization
DCT Double charge transfer
DCTB trans-2-[3-{4-tert- Butylphenyl}-2-methyl-2- propenylidene] malononitrile (a MALDI matrix)
DE Delayed extraction
DEI Desorption (or direct) electron ionization
DESI Desorption electrospray ionization
DF Double focusing
DFTPP Decafluorotriphenylphos- phine
DHB 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid (a MALDI matrix)
DI Desorption ionization
DIADS Delimited ion abundance database search
DIN Direct injection nebulizer
DIOSMS Desorption ionization on silicon mass spectrometry
DIP Direct-insertion probe
DLI Direct liquid introduction
DLV Direct laser vaporization
DMS Differential mobility spectrometry
DNFW from the Latin for "Please do not mess with the instrument"
DP Direct probe; declustering potential; diffusion pump
DPBD Diphenyl butadiene (a MALDI matrix)
DS Data system
DTIMS Drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry
E Energy; electric sector
EA Electron affinity
EAD Electron avalanche desorption
ECD Electron-capture dissociation
ECID Electron-capture–induced dissociation
ECMS Electron-capture mass spectrometry
ECNCI Electron-capture negative chemical ionization
ECNI Electron-capture negative ionization
A moderator gas used in a chemical ionization source decreases the energy of electrons emitted from a filament to energies sufficiently low that the electrons are captured by electrophilic compounds to form stable molecular negative ions M-. . The electron-capture cross section can be increased with use of a proper electrophilic derivative. In this work, a pentafluorobenzoyl ester derivative is prepared of triclosan, a common antibacterial agent in consumer products. An analytical protocol for determination of this agent in plasma and milk samples is developed and validated. See M. Allmyr, M.S. McLachlan, G. Sandborgh-Englund, and M. Adolfsson-Erici, Anal. Chem. 78(18), 6542–6546 (2006).
ECP Emitter-current programmer
EDD Energy-distribution difference
EE Even-electron ion
EED Electron excitation dissociation
EHI Electrohydrodynamic ionization
EI Electron ionization; electron impact
EIEIO Electron-induced excitation of ions from organics
EIS External ion source
EJMS European Journal of Mass Spectrometry
EM Electron multiplier
EM-MS Electron monochromator mass spectrometry
An electron monochromator produces a well-defined source of electrons that can be used as part of an electron ionization source to create both positive and negative ions. Stable molecular negative ions are formed only for electrophilic compounds in the presence of low energy electrons, which can be produced by the electron monochromator. In this study, the authors use EM-MS to quantify three different dinitroaniline pesticides present in tobacco smoke. The pesticide residues derive from the farming practices used to produce the various tobacco products. See A.J. Dane, C.J. Havey, and K. Voorhees, Anal. Chem. 78, 3227–3233 (2006).
EMP Electron multiplier
EOID Electro-optical ion detector
EP Entrance potential
EPD Electron photodetachment dissociation
Polyanions formed from DNA were stored in a QIT and irradiated with laser light. The irradiation caused electron loss from the polyanion to form a radical anion, and subsequent CID of the anion provided a MS-MS spectrum that provided good sequence information and a lack of internal cleavages. Preliminary work indicates that even noncovalent bonds of the DNA can be preserved through the initial electron photodetachment process. See V. Gabellica, T. Tabarin, R. Antoine, F. Rosu, I. Compagnon, M. Broyer, E. De Pauw, and P. Dugourd, Anal. Chem. 78, 6564–6572 (2006).
ERMS Energy-resolved mass spectrometry
ES Electrospray; electrospray ionization
ESA Electrostatic analyzer
ESCI Combined electrospray and atmospheric pressure ionization source
ESI Electrospray ionization
ESMS European Society for Mass Spectrometry
ESP Electrospray ionization
ESPI Electrospray ionization
esu Electrostatic unit
ET Electron transfer
ETD Electron-transfer dissociation
ETV Electrothermal vaporization
eV Electron volt
FA Flowing afterglow; ferulic acid (a MALDI matrix)
FAB Fast-atom bombardment
FAIMS High-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry
FAME Fatty acid methyl ester
FC Faraday cup
FD Field desorption
FFID Fission-fragment-induced desorption
FFR Field-free region
FI Field ionization
FIA Flow-injection analysis
FIB Fast-ion bombardment
FID Free-induction decay
FIK Field ionization kinetics
FIMS Field-ionization mass spectrometry
FNB Fast-neutral beam
FRET Fluorescence resonance energy transfer
FTICR Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance
FTMS Fourier-transform mass spectrometry
FT–TOF Fourier-transform time-of- flight mass spectrometry
FWHH Full width at half height
FWHM Full width at half maximum
G Multiplier gain; glycerol (an LSIMS matrix)
GC Gas chromatography
GC–MS Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
GDMS Glow discharge mass spectrometry
GEMIOS Gas and electromagnetic ion optical simulator
GEMMA Gas-phase electrophoretic mobilty molecular analysis
GIANT Gas-phase ion and neutral thermochemistry (a published compilation of such data)
GLP Good laboratory practice
GPC Gel permeation chromatography
HABA 2-(4-Hydroxyphenylazo) benzoic acid (a MALDI matrix)
HASTE High-amplitude short-time excitation
4-HBSA 4-Hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid (an LSIMS matrix)
HCCA α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (a MALDI matrix)
HCD Heated capillary dissociation
HCP Hollow cathode plume
H/D Hydrogen–deuterium
HDX Hydrogen–deuterium exchange
HE High energy
HECD Hot electron capture dissociation
2-HEDS 2-Hydroxyethyl disulfide (an LSIMS matrix)
HILIC Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography
HKSMS Hong Kong Society for Mass Spectrometry
HMM High molecular mass
HPA 3-Hydroxypicolinic acid (a MALDI matrix)
2-HPEA 2-Hydroxyphenethyl alcohol (an LSIMS matrix)
HPMS High-pressure mass spectrometer
HRMS High-resolution mass spectrometry
HSI Hyperthermal surface ionization
HSMS Headspace mass spectrometry
HT Hadamard transform; high tension, which is a Britishism for HV (high voltage)
HTMS High temperature mass spectrometry
HT-TOFMS Hadamard transform time-of-flight mass spectrometry
HV High voltage
HXMS Hydrogen–deuterium exchange mass spectrometry
IAA Indole acrylic acid (a MALDI matrix)
IC Ion chromatography
ICAT Isotope-coded affinity tag
ICDR Ion cyclotron double resonance
ICEMS Ion-pair liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry
IC–MS Ion chromatography–mass spectrometry
ICP–MS Inductively coupled plasma– mass spectrometry
ICR Ion cyclotron resonance
IDMS Isotope dilution mass spectrometry
IE Ionization energy; ionizing energy; ion evaporation
IELC Ion-exchange liquid chromatography
IJMSIP International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics (volumes 1–62)
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes (after volume 62)
IJMS International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
IKE(S) Ion kinetic energy (spectrometry)
IMAC Immobilized metal affinity chromatography
IMS Ion mobility spectrometry; imaging mass spectrometry
Imaging mass spectrometry based on MALDI uses mass spectra convoluted with planar (x,y) coordinates to provide spatial tracking of both endogenous and exogenous compounds with spatial resolution and molecular specificity. In this work, the authors track drug and drug metabolite distributions within whole-body tissue sections. When the tissue sections are sampled in time, the temporal distributions also can be established. This work is one example of a rapidly growing area of application. See S. Khatib-Shahidi, M. Andersson, J.L. Herman, T.A. Gillespie, and R.M. Caprioli, Anal. Chem. 78, 6448–6456 (2006).
IMSS International Mass Spectrometry Society; Irish Mass Spectrometry Society
INC Ion-neutral complex
IP Ionization potential
IPD Ion-photon detector
IRMPD Infrared multiphoton dissociation
IRMS Isotope ratio mass spectrometry
ISD In-source decay
ISMAS Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry
ISP Ionspray
ISR Ion–surface reaction
ITD™ Ion-trap detector
ITMS Ion-trap mass spectrometry
ITPMS Isotacophoresis mass spectrometry
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
JASMS Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
JEOL Japan Electro-Optics Laboratory
JMS Journal of Mass Spectrometry
K Kelvin
KCMS Knudsen cell mass spectrometry
kDa Kilodalton
KERD Kinetic energy release distribution
K+IDS Potassium ion desorption spectrometry
KM Kinetic method
KNN K-nearest neighbor
L Length (of flight tube)
LA Laser ablation
While MALDI is used for biological analyses, the direct impact of a laser on a surface such as a silicate glass produces a vaporized aerosol that can then be directed into an ICP-MS system for elemental analysis. For the ICP-MS system to provide an accurate analysis, the vaporization and transfer efficiency must be mass- and element-independent. This ideal case is not achieved in practice, and the authors of this careful work on laser ablation study two different laser ablation systems, and different carrier gases, as means of sample introduction in ICP-MS. See Z. Wang, B. Hattendorf, and D. Gunther, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 17(5), 641–651 (2006).
LAMMA™ Laser microprobe mass analyzer
LAMPAS Laser mass analyzer for particles in the airborne state
LBO Light beam oscillograph
LC-MS Liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry
LD Laser desorption
LDI Laser desorption ionization
LDLP Laser desorption–laser photoionization
LE Low energy
LI Liquid ionization
LIAD Laser-induced acoustic desorption
LIMA™ Laser ionization mass analyzer; laser ion microprobe analyzer
LIT Linear ion trap
LMCO Low mass cut-off
LMM Low molecular mass
LMMS Laser microprobe mass spectrometer
LMS Laser mass spectrometry
LMW Low molecular weight
LOD Limit of detection
LOQ Limit of quantification
LRB Laboratory reagent blank
LSIMS Liquid matrix secondary ion mass spectrometry
LTOF Laser time-of-flight; linear time-of-flight
LV/EI Low voltage electron ionization
m Mass of the ion in units of u
M/A Matrix/analyte ratio
MAGIC Monodisperse aerosol generator interface to chromatography
MALD Matrix-assisted laser desorption
MALDI Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization
MAPS Method for analyzing patterns in spectra
MB Molecular beam
MBMS Molecular beam mass spectrometry
MCA Multichannel analyzer
MCI Massive cluster impact
MCMS Midwest Center for Mass Spectrometry
MCP Microchannel plate (detector)
MCPD Microchannel plate detector
MEND Matched filtration with experimental noise determination
MDMS Microdialysis mass spectrometry
MDL Method detection limit
MELDI Material-enhanced laser desorption–ionization
The authors describe various functionalized carrier materials (listing cellulose, silica, a glycidyl methacrylate– divinylbenzene polymer, and diamond powder) that act as matrices for a relatively conventional MALDI-TOF analysis. The advantages of MELDI include the high capacity and selective functionality useful in binding serum constituents to be analyzed. The spectral effects of particle shape and pore size were delineated; highly porous spherical particles with diameters of a few micrometers were shown to provide superior mass spectra. See I. Feuerstein, M. Najam-ul-Huq, M. Rainer, L. Trojer, R. Bakry, N.H. Aprilita, G. Stecher, C. Huck, H. Klocker, G. Bartsch, A. Guttman, and G.K. Bonn, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 17(9), 1203–1208 (2006).
MESIMS Matrix-enhanced secondary ion mass spectrometry
MI Metastable ion
MID Multiple ion detection
MIKE(S) Mass-analyzed ion kinetic energy (spectrometry)
MIM Multiple ion monitoring
A lowered limit of detection can be achieved in mass spectrometric analyses with the use of selected ion monitoring; monitoring the intensities of several ions in time (for instance, as mixture components are eluted from a gas chromatograph) is called multiple ion monitoring. Early work suggested that monitoring ions of three different selected masses should be sufficient to confirm the presence of a targeted compound. However, using an expanded library of 100,000 electron ionization mass spectra, and more generalized restraints on the relative intensities of ions in the standard mass spectra of the targeted compound, recent work suggests that additional ions may need to be monitored and the potential for false positives reassessed. See S.E. Stein and D.N. Heller, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 17(6), 823–835 (2006).
MIMS Membrane introduction mass spectrometry
MIP Microwave-induced plasma
MNBA m-Nitrobenzyl alcohol, an LSIMS matrix
MNDO Modified neglect of differential overlap
MO Molecular orbital
MOWSE Molecular weight search
MPD Multiphoton dissociation
MPI Multiphoton ionization
MPM Multiple peak monitoring
MQDT Multichannel quantum defect theory
MRM Multiple reaction monitoring
MSn If n = 2, MS-MS. If n = 3, MS-MS-MS. Repeat as necessary.
MSB Mass Spectrometry Bulletin
MSD Mass-selective detector
MSDC Mass Spectrometry Data Center
MSE Matrix suppression effect
An electrospray sample deposition technique was used to deposit matrix–analyte solutions of varying thickness onto a surface then analyzed by MALDI mass spectrometry. A matrix suppression effect score was calculated by dividing a standard analyte ion response by the sum of the analyte and matrix ion responses for the samples of varying thickness. The matrix suppression is therefore a measure of how the matrix signal could be reduced relative to a persistent analyte ion signal. The well-known "first shot" effect could be observed in this work, and the results that showed an enhancement in matrix suppression effect with thinner layers considered in terms of a model that considers a first-step ionization of the matrix, enhanced in the near vicinity of the metal surface. See G. McCombie and R. Knochenmuss, J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 17(5), 737–745 (2006).
MSM Multiple scattering method
MSR Mass Spectrometry Reviews
MS-MS Mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry
MSSJ The Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan
MSSS Mass spectral search system
The first mass spectral database used for organic compound identification was developed at NIH and used a system called the MSSS. It was implemented on a PDP-10 computer and was first described in the journal Analytical Chemistry in 1972. The first dial-up connection to the mainframe computer used a 110-baud modem. Feeling old yet? See S.R. Heller, Today's Chemist at Work 8(2), 45–46, 49–50 (1999).
MULTUM Multiturn mass spectrometer
MW Molecular weight
Mwt Molecular weight
N Neutral molecule or species
NBA m-Nitrobenzyl alcohol (an LSIMS matrix)
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information
NCE Normalized collision energy
NCI Negative ion chemical ionization
NET Normalized elution time
NI Negative ion
NICI Negative ion chemical ionization
NOBA m-Nitrobenzyl alcohol (an LSIMS matrix)
+NR+ Neutralization reionization; a positive ion is neutralized and then reionized
NRMS Neutralization reionization mass spectrometry
NSI Nanospray ionization
NSMS Norwegian Society for Mass Spectrometry
NVMS Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry
o Orthogonal
oa Orthogonal acceleration
ODN Oligodeoxynucleotide
OE Odd-electron ion
OMS Organic Mass Spectrometry
oTOF Orthogonal (source) time-of- flight
PA Proton affinity
PAD Postacceleration detector
PAI Postablation ionization
PALMS Particle analysis by laser mass spectrometry
PBM Probability-based matching
PBMS Particle-beam mass spectrometry
PCA Principal component analysis
PCI Positive ion chemical ionization
P2CID Parallel collision-induced dissociation
A quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer is used to generate MS-MS spectra with higher signals than a single collision-induced dissociation (CID) process. A higher cone voltage is used to effect source CID, and then these energized ions are passed into a collision cell, where a second CID process ensues. The authors claim a two- to fourfold increase in the product ion intensities observed for higher mass ions, which increases, for example, the intensities of structurally informative sequence ions from peptides. See A.A. Ramos, H. Yang, L.E. Rosen, and X. Yao, Anal. Chem. 78(18), 6391–6397 (2006).
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PD Plasma desorption; photodissociation
PDF Pulsed dynamic focusing
PDMS Plasma desorption mass spectrometry
PEPICO Photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy
PES Photoelectron spectroscopy
PFK Perfluorokerosene
PFT Porous flow-through (electrode)
PFTBA Perfluorotributylamine
PHD Pulse height distribution
PHT Peptide hits technique
PI Positive ion
PID Particle-induced desorption; photon-induced dissociation
PIE Photoionization efficiency
PIT Protein-identification technology
PIT-MS Proton-transfer ion-trap mass spectrometry
PIPECO Photoion-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy
PLE Pressurized liquid extraction
PMF Peptide mass fingerprinting
PMM Peptide mass maps
PMS Parallel mass spectrometry
PPINICI™ Pulsed positive-ion negative-ion chemical ionization
ppm Part per million
PSD Postsource decay
PSI Pulsed sample introduction
PSM Peptide-spectrum match
PSPF Postsource pulse focusing
PTM Posttranslational modification
PTR Proton-transfer reaction
PTSM Polish Society for Mass Spectrometry
PyMS Pyrolysis mass spectrometry
q Quadrupole device used in rf-only mode as a collision cell
Q Quadrupole mass filter
Q Reaction endothermicity
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control
qCID Collision-induced dissociation accomplished within an rf-only quadrupole
QCPE Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange
QET Quasi-equilibrium theory
QFTMS Quadrupole Fourier- transform mass spectrometry
QIT Quadrupole ion trap
QLT Quadrupole linear ion trap
QTOF Quadrupole followed by a time-of-flight mass analyzer
QUISTOR Quadrupole ion storage trap
r radius of electric or magnetic sector
RA Relative abundance; trans,trans-retinoic acid (a MALDI matrix)
RCM Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
rdbe Rings plus double bonds equivalent
REE Rare earth elements
REMPI Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
rf Radio frequency; Response factors
RGA Residual gas analyzer
RI Relative intensity
RIMS Resonance-ionization mass spectrometry
RiT Rectilinear ion trap
RLCT Rayleigh limiting charge theory
RN Resonance neutralization
ROOMS Regular old ordinary mass spectrometry
R2PI Resonant two-photon ionization
RP Resolving power
RPD Retarding potential difference
RPLC Reversed-phase liquid chromatography
RRKM Rice, Ramsperger, Kassel, and Marcus
RSMS Rapid single particle mass spectrometer
rTOF Reflectron time-of-flight
SA Sinapinic acid (a MALDI matrix)
SAAMS South African Association for Mass Spectrometry
SCMS Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry
SCX Strong cation exchange
SDM Selected dissociation monitoring
SDME Single-drop microextraction
SEAC Surface-enhanced affinity capture
SEC Size exclusion chromatography
SEEM Spanish Society for Mass Spectrometry
SELDI Surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization
SEND Surface-enhanced neat desorption
SFC-MS Supercritical fluid chromatography–mass spectrometry
SFE Supercritical fluid extraction
SFSM French Society for Mass Spectrometry
SGMS Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry
SI Spray ionization; surface ionization
SID Surface-induced dissociation
SIFDT Selected ion flow drift tube
SIFT Selected ion flow tube
SILVER Spectrum intensity likelihood viewer
SIM Selected-ion monitoring
SIMBROC Simulated background and reduction/oxidation calculations
SIMS Secondary ion mass spectrometry
SIN Surface-induced neutralization
SIOMS Surface ionization organic mass spectrometry
SIR Selected-ion recording
SIRMS Stable-isotope-ratio mass spectrometry
SMB Supersonic molecular beam
SMOKE Stored modulation of kinetic energy
SMOW Standard mean ocean water
SMSS Swedish Society for Mass Spectrometry
S/N Signal-to-noise ratio
SOMO Singly occupied molecular orbital
SPE Solid-phase extraction
SPME Solid-phase microextraction
SRBC Simulated reduction and background calculations
SRM Selected reaction monitoring; standard reference material
SSIMS Static secondary-ion mass spectrometry
SSMS Spark source mass spectrometry
STIRS Self-training interpretive and retrieval system
STMT Stieltjes–Tchebycheff moment theory
SWIFT Stored-waveform inverse Fourier transform
SWIM Stored waveform ion modulation
t Ion flight time; time
T Tesla
TAC Time-to-amplitude converter
TAMS Tandem accelerator mass spectrometry
TDC Time-to-digital converter
TDMS Thermal desorption mass spectrometry
TEL Translational energy loss
TEPSICO Threshold electron photoion secondary ion coincidence
TES Translational energy spectroscopy
TGAMS Thermogravimetric analysis mass spectrometry
TG GC-MS Thermogravimetry gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
THAP 2,4,6-Trihydroxyacetophe- none (a MALDI matrix)
TI Thermal ionization
TIC Total ion current
TID Trapped-ion detector; thermally induced dissociation
TIMS Thermal-ionization mass spectrometry
TISI Turbo ionspray ionization
TIP™ True isotopic pattern
TLC-MS Thin layer chromatography–mass spectrometry
TMS Trimethylsilyl; tandem mass spectrometry; thermospray mass spectrometry
ToF Time-of-flight
TOF Time-of-flight
TOFMS Time-of-flight mass spectrometry
TQ Triple quadrupole
TQMS Triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry
TRPD Time-resolved photodissociation
TS Transition state; transition structure
TSP Thermospray
TSQ™ Triple-stage quadrupole
u Mass unit (1/12 of the mass of 12C), now replaced by dalton
UVLD Ultraviolet laser desorption
UVPD Ultraviolet photodissociation
v Ion velocity
V Accelerating voltage
VG Vacuum Generators, former name of a manufacturer of mass spectrometers
VOC Volatile organic compound
VMSOW Vienna mean standard ocean water
VTST Variational transition state theory
W Wien filter
z Charge state of the ion in units of the electric charge
ZPE Zero-point vibrational energy
Kenneth L. Busch (KLB) has taught the course: "Introduction to Mass Spectrometry" for the past 15 years at professional conferences. During those 15 years, mass spectrometry has been reinvented, reconfigured, redirected, and submerged in acronyms. Slang and jargon in mass spectrometry is a separate issue that will be tackled ASAP. The contents of this article represent the views of the author (MHOs), and not those of the National Science Foundation (NSF). KLB can be reached at WyvernAssoc@yahoo.com
Determining Neurotransmitters in Spinal Cords with UHPLC
February 18th 2025Researchers at Jilin University (Changchun, China) developed a highly sensitive, rapid, and accurate method for analyzing neurotransmitters (NTs) in rat spinal cord tissue. Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS) in conjunction with ultra-ionic liquid dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (UA-MIL-DLLME) were used to extract NTs for analysis.
The Next Frontier for Mass Spectrometry: Maximizing Ion Utilization
January 20th 2025In this podcast, Daniel DeBord, CTO of MOBILion Systems, describes a new high resolution mass spectrometry approach that promises to increase speed and sensitivity in omics applications. MOBILion recently introduced the PAMAF mode of operation, which stands for parallel accumulation with mobility aligned fragmentation. It substantially increases the fraction of ions used for mass spectrometry analysis by replacing the functionality of the quadrupole with high resolution ion mobility. Listen to learn more about this exciting new development.
Revolutionizing LC-MS with Next-Gen Separation for Cyclic Peptide Analysis
February 17th 2025Cyclic peptides, known for their stability and high specificity, are promising therapeutic agents in the fight against cancer, infections, and autoimmune diseases. However, developing effective cyclic peptides presents numerous challenges, including poor pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and toxicity. Traditional methods like liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) often struggle with resolving isomeric linear peptide metabolites, posing significant risks in safety, efficacy, and regulatory approval. In this paper, Komal Kedia, PhD, will share how she leveraged MOBIE’s high-resolution ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) system to achieve a 72% reduction in run times, 200% greater resolving power, and enhanced accuracy in identifying “soft spots” prone to enzymatic degradation.