HPLC-Based Measurements of Various Lipophilicity Parameters to Aid Drug Design
March 1st 2007Fast, reliable measurements of lipophilicity has a great impact on the compounds' selection process at an early stage of dug discovery. The guest columnit examines HPLC methods for this purpose.
Separation Instrumentation Demand
March 1st 2007Separation instrument techniques are among the most widely used technologies in the analytical instrumentation market. They span the entire industrial and regional marketplace. The lab separations market includes chromatographic techniques such as analytical and preparative HPLC, GC, IC, TLC, flash, and low pressure LC.
CE–MS-MS for the Identification of Chemical Warfare Agent Degradation Products
March 1st 2007With the threat of terrorism growing, the development of analytical techniques for the detection and identification of chemical warfare agent defradation products has increased. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) presents interesting features for this application.