Modern Trends and Best Practices in Mobile-Phase Selection in Reversed-Phase Chromatography
October 1st 2018This instalment provides an overview of the modern trends and best practices in mobile-phase selection for reversed-phase liquid chromatography (LC). In particular, we focus on selection criteria and rationales for enhancing analytical performance and ease of preparation.
Scaling LC Methods Using Porous Particle Stationary Phases
October 1st 2018The use of ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) is now commonplace among pharmaceutical laboratories. However, until depreciation cycles replace traditional high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) systems that operate at a maximum pressure of 400 bar, the advantages of UHPLC cannot be realized worldwide. Thus, product methods developed using UHPLC capabilities cannot directly transfer these methods to receiving laboratories without qualified UHPLC availability.