Event News
Event news summary
Nomenclature and Conventions in Comprehensive Multidimensional Chromatography – An Update
A review of nomenclature and conventions used in comprehensive multidimensional chromatography. An update of the popular paper on this topic from 2003.
The State of the Art in Chiral Capillary Gas Chromatography
A review of the historical development and latest trends in phase development in the field of chiral capillary gas chromatography. A range of novel applications in chiral capillary GC are also described.
New Gas Chromatography Products 2012
In this instalment John V. Hinshaw reviews gas chromatography instruments and accessories that were newly presented at Pittcon 2012 or were introduced to the marketplace in the preceding year.
Extra Chromatographic Peaks — A Case Study
What do you do when an unexpected peak appears in the chromatogram?