Application Notes: GC
High-Throughput Automated Workflow for Mineral Oil Determination in Water
Cost-saving benefits are achieved through an automated workflow for mineral oil analysis in water by in-vial liquid-liquid extraction, clean-up, and on-line GC analysis
A Fast and Robust GC–MS/MS Analysis of 203 Pesticides in 10 Min in Spinach
This application note describes two approaches for achieving a robust, multiresidue pesticide analysis in 10 min by GC–MS/MS for over 200 pesticides in spinach.
Five Keys to Unlock Maximum Performance in the Analysis of Over 200 Pesticides in Challenging Food Matrices by GC–MS/MS
Learn best practices to enhance analytical performance for the analysis of > 200 pesticides in challenging matrices using Agilent triple quadrupole GC–MS instruments.
Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds with Hydrogen Carrier Gas and HydroInert Source by Gas Chromatography–Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS/MS)
This application demonstrates low detection limit capabilities of the Agilent 7000E triple quadrupole GC–MS, meeting EPA 8270 requirements when using H2 carrier gas.
Equivalent GC Systems Performance for Regulatory Method Compliance and Validation
Methods migration from updating analytical equipment can be a time consuming task. This paper shows many examples of method compatibility and analytical equivalency.
Application Note : Analysis of e-liquids According to ISO 20714
In this application note we demonstrate the excellent performance of Sapiens-624MS columns for the analysis of e-liquids based on ISO 20714.
Analysis of United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Grade Isopropyl Alcohol Impurities
This application note describes two methods for isopropyl alcohol impurities detection: USP recommended 42-min analysis, and a speed-optimized method in less than 6 min.
PFAS Analysis Using a pH-Variable LC Mobile-Phase Gradient v3
A novel LC approach to manipulate the chromatography of closely related PFAS analytes to separate co-elutes and avoid matrix interferences.
The Effect of Draw-Out Lens Diameter
Investigating the effect of hydrogen and helium carrier gas across a range of column flow rates with different draw-out lenses for essential oil and volatile analysis
Analysis of e-liquids According to ISO 20714
In this application note we demonstrate the excellent performance of Sapiens-624MS columns for the analysis of e-liquids based on ISO 20714
Automated TD Sample Calibration Standard Preparation
The internal standard module of a CDS thermal desorber is used to automate the process of preparing calibration standards onto pre-conditioned thermal desorption tubes
Recollecting Samples in TD-GC-MS Methods
This application note demonstrates the quantitative recollection of split sample to a clean sample saver tube for a group of VOCs in TD–GC–MS.
Improving Plastic Recycling Process by Steam
Investigating Biodegradable Plastics by Pyroprobe
This application note follows the Pyroprobe application decision making tree with EGA and pyrolysis to study biodegradable plastics by GC-MS.
7 Steps to Changing Carrier Gas
In this application note, we will walk you through the steps required to change your carrier gas from helium to hydrogen.
CDS 7550S Thermal Desorption Sample Recollection
Quantitative recollection of split sample to a second sample saver tube is demonstrated for different split ratios on the CDS 7550S automated thermal desorber.
Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Testing Guide
Application guide to PFAS analysis in environmental and food samples, from sample preparation to LC–MS/MS analysis, featuring both validated and exploratory methods.
EPA Method 533: PFAS in Drinking Water
In a commercial laboratory setting, Strata-X-AW and Gemini 3 µm C18 show excellent precision and recovery in EPA Method 533 for the analysis of PFAS in drinking water.
Fast and Economical PFAS Extraction Using Strata PFAS
Strata PFAS (WAX and GCB combined in a single SPE tube) compliant with DOD QSM 5.1, but more accurate, precise, and economical than dual tube or dispersed GCB solutions.
PFAS in Food using QuEChERS, SPE, and LC–MS/MS
A QuEChERs + SPE sample preparation technique coupled with LC–MS/MS is shown to provide sub-ppb analysis of PFAS in dairy and fish samples.
California PFAS Panel Analysis in Drinking and Wastewater
Validation of a water and wastewater method for the California PFAS panel using SPE (WAX/GCB) preparation and LC–MS/MS analysis with a variable pH LC mobile phase
Strata® GCB for PFAS Extraction and Clean-Up
Phenomenex announces a new graphitized carbob black (GCB) SPE tube for DOD QSM 5.3 compliant PFAS analysis.
Determination of PFAS in Marine and River Sediments
A municipal wastewater laboratory demonstrates the use of QuEChERs sample preparation techniques to analyze PFAS in sediments at sub ng/g levels.
LC Column Chemistries for Full Coverage of PFAS Analyte Ranges
A wide variety of LC column chemistries were evaluated to demonstrate new chromatographic approaches to complex PFAS analyte lists.
EPA Method 537.1 - PFAS in Drinking Water
Strata-SDB-L and Luna Omega 1.6 µm PS C18 demonstrate excellent precision and recovery in EPA Method 537.1 for the analysis of PFAS in drinking water.
PFAS Analysis Using a pH-Variable LC Mobile-Phase Gradient
A novel LC approach to manipulate the chromatography of closely related PFAS analytes to separate co-eluties and avoid matrix interferences.
Air Analyzer for VOCs
An online thermal desorber has been developed for the automated, in situ, determination of VOCs. The system does not need liquid nitrogen or CO2.
Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Environmental Samples
This e-book demonstrates the use of Purge and Trap coupled with GC–MS to meet the challenges of VOC analysis for the most common EPA regulations and methods.
Converting Your GC Carrier Gas
Learn how to convert your GC carrier gas from helium to hydrogen with this step-by-step guide to avoid the increasing cost of helium.
Syrup Differentiation with ChromaTOF Tile
GCxGC TOFMS analysis can be overwhelming, but ChromaTOF Tile can quickly compare these data sets to bring statistically significant differences to the forefront.