Wyatt Technology Corp.


Special Issues

LCGC SupplementsSpecial Issues-12-01-2013
Volume 31
Issue 12

Wyatt Technology Corp. (WTC) is the world's largest company dedicated to SEC-MALS detectors. Dr. Philip J. Wyatt, the president and founder of the company, was the developer of the first commercial multiangle light-scattering instruments more than 40 years ago.

Company Description

Wyatt Technology Corp. (WTC) is the world's largest company dedicated to SEC-MALS detectors. Dr. Philip J. Wyatt, the president and founder of the company, was the developer of the first commercial multiangle light-scattering instruments more than 40 years ago. Dr. Wyatt is one of the world's leading authorities in the light-scattering field, holds more than 20 patents pertaining to light scattering, and is the author of four texts and over 50 publications. The company's light-scattering detectors have been sold in more than 50 countries, making them the most popular light-scattering instruments available. Wyatt Technology's extensive applications laboratory coupled with its full-time staff (including more than 18 PhD scientists) means our customers receive deep technical expertise and support.

Chief Chromatographic Techniques Supported

  • HPLC


  • RPC

  • Field flow fractionation

Markets Served

Wyatt provides its products to a wide range of markets including, but not limited to, companies involved with biotechnology, pharmaceutical development, chemical, petrochemical, and academic research laboratories. In addition, WTC provides its products to the United States government and has active customers in the Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, and the US Army, Navy, and Air Force. Abroad, WTC's distributor network supplies the world with products, support, and training, be it in Asia, Europe, Africa, or South America.

Major Products/Services

WTC's family of instruments includes:

  • DAWN HELEOS: An 18-angle SEC-MALS detector that can be used at ambient, elevated, and below ambient temperatures for polymers, particles, and biopolymers.

  • MiniDAWN: A SEC-MALS detector ideal for proteins and peptides and molar mass materials below 1 million Da.

  • Eclipse system: For separation of macromolecules and nano particles in solution.

  • Optilab TrEX: The most advanced RI detector in the world with 256 times the detection power and 50 times the dynamic range of any other RI detector. The TrEX can be operated below or above ambient temperature and determine dn/dc at the same wavelength of light as the light-scattering instrument.

  • WyattQELS: A quasi-elastic (dynamic) light-scattering instrument that can be interfaced to the DAWN or the mini- DAWN Tristar in order to determine particle sizes as small as 1 nm.

  • ViscoStar viscometer: A state-of-the-art intrinsic viscosity detector that can be operated above or below ambient temperature with its precise Peltier thermostatic controls. The ViscoStar also includes software for determining the Mark-Houwink coefficients for polymers and biopolymers.

  • WTC Protein Columns: A family of new silica based columns specifically designed for SEC/MALS protein applications. These columns retain all the important features of a first-class SEC column for protein separations. They are made of the highest quality silica with well-controlled pore sizes and highly reproducible surface chemistry.


WTC maintains more than 30,000 ft2 of modern electronics, optical prototype, machine shop, and laboratory facilities in Santa Barbara, California.

Wyatt Technology Corp.

6300 Hollister Ave.

Santa Barbara, CA 93117


(805) 681-9009


(805) 681-0123









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