Webinar Date/Time: Monday, October 30th, 2023 Airing 1: 10:00 AM CET Airing 2: 11:00 AM ET
Labs analyzing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in soils and water using EPA Method 8260 are facing productivity challenges due to issues like autosampler reliability, moisture, and high helium costs. The Teledyne Tekmar Atomx XYZ Purge and Trap System and PerkinElmer GCMS 2400 System can help make EPA 8260 analysis more efficient and profitable. Join a 30-minute presentation to learn how these technologies address analytical challenges and keep you up to date with EPA 8260 compliance in environmental analysis.
Register Free: https://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc_w/EPA-8260
Event Overview:
As analytical workloads have increased, labs analyzing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soils and water by purge and trap with a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (P&T and GC/MS) according to EPA Method 8260 are facing challenges in maintaining efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Autosampler reliability, moisture management, carryover, contamination, and linearity over a dynamic range combined with high cost of helium and supply chain, are a few of the causes affecting labs’ operational efficiency.
Discover how the Teledyne Tekmar Atomx XYZ P&T System and the PerkinElmer GCMS 2400 System can help labs performing VOC analysis, according to EPA 8260, with helium gas savings and with efficient sample prep including improved water management, reduced peak interference, increased column lifespan, and reduced carryover and contamination from sample to sample. With the intuitive PerkinElmer SimplicityChrom CDS Software, fast data processing and review enable even more productivity, with any expertise level lab staff.
Join our 30-minute presentation, where you will discover strategies to conquer the typical analytical challenges posed by P&T with GC/MS while optimizing results and maximizing uptime. The latest technologies compliant with EPA 8260 will be presented, ensuring you stay at the forefront of environmental analysis.
Key Learning Objectives:
Who Should Attend:
Labs interested in the latest advancements in GC/MS and Purge and Trap technology for volatile organic compounds analysis..
Amy Nutter
Technical product Specialist
Teledyne Tekmar
Amy Nutter is the VOC technical product specialist at Teledyne Tekmar. Currently, she is focused on OEM and customer technical training and application support on the Purge and Trap product line. Before her current role, Amy worked for the city of Cincinnati in both the drinking water and wastewater laboratories.
Lee Marotta
Principal Line Leader
Perkin Elmer
Lee Marotta started her career at Exxon Corporate Research in 1988. Lee then moved on to PerkinElmer in 1992 as a product specialist for GC/GCMS and sample introductory techniques, supporting customers in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions in all industries that had a need for gas chromatography. In 2012, Lee moved on to a NA assignment, supporting the environmental and petroleum industries in chromatography, where she reached out to industrial leaders to determine their requirements and challenges and worked with her business unit to get these implemented.
Register Free: https://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc_w/EPA-8260