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In this application, we look at the determination of residual solvents and terpenes in cannabis by GC–FID using the Zebron™ ZB-624plus™ GC column.
Optimizing Splitless Injections in Gas Chromatography, Part III: Setting Up and Optimizing the Inlet
In the third part of Nicholas Snow's series on splitless GC injections, he discusses techniques for setting up the inlet and connections for optimized injections.
Quantitation of PFAS in Chicken Eggs for Human Consumption
This application note presents the development and validation of a multi-component method for the analysis of 21 PFAS compounds in chicken eggs.
Determination of 30 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Baby Food
This application note presents the development and validation of a multiresidue method for the analysis of PFAS in baby food.
Determination of 30 PFAS in Beef, Tuna, and Shrimp
This application note presents the development and validation of a multiresidue method for the analysis of PFAS residues in beef, tuna, and shrimp.
Determination of 30 PFAS in Fruits, Vegetables, and Juices
This application note presents the development and validation of a multiresidue method for the analysis of PFAS in fruits, vegetables, and juices.
Best of the Week: Pittcon 2025 Roundup, Inspiring the Next Generation
Here is some of the most popular content posted on LCGC International this week.