In this application note high resolution SCX was coupled directly to an ultrasensitive online native MS using YMC’s BioPro IEX SF to analyse mAb charge variants.
Separation of Antidepressants Using HALO 90 Å PCS C18 Compared to C18
December 11th 2024A mix of four antidepressants is separated using the HALO®PCS (positive charged surface) C18 column demonstating the improved tailing factor and efficiency when compared to a traditional (uncharged) C18 stationary phase.
Advantage of Fused-Core® Particle Technology for Oligonucleotide Separations
December 11th 2024The HALO® OLIGO C18 2.7 µm column outperformed an FPP Oligo C18 column in oligonucleotide separations, achieving faster separations while maintaining efficiencies comparable to a 1.9 µm FPP with more than half the backpressure.