National Institutes of Health Grants University of Wisconsin-Madison $1.6 Million for Device


The National Center for Research Resources, a branch of the National Institutes of Health, has granted the University of Wisconsin- Madison a $1.6 million federal grant to purchase a mass spectrometer, a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, and a liquid-chromatography system, integrated into a single instrument.

The National Center for Research Resources, a branch of the National Institutes of Health, has granted the University of Wisconsin- Madison a $1.6 million federal grant to purchase a mass spectrometer, a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, and a liquid-chromatography system, integrated into a single instrument. The device will help the university search for new antibiotics and drugs and perform other research. UW-Madison is one of 20 universities that is receiving funding to purchase tools to help them stay at at the leading edge of research in biology and medicine.

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Toby Astill | Image Credit: © Thermo Fisher Scientific
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