For many years, Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) has been performed using plates and cartridges packed with a bed of loose media. Extracting samples of interest while removing contamination from samples presented to the chromatography system results in lower costs associated with detector maintenance and extends column lifespan. Cleaner samples also improve specificity in analysis and increase sensitivity. Traditional products, however, have inherent limitations in reproducibility of flow and recovery. The innovative composite technology found in the Microlute® range greatly improves flow consistency providing a step change in the reproducibility of processing and analyte recover.
Determination of Pharmaceuticals by Capillary HPLC-MS/MS (Dec 2024)
December 19th 2024This application note demonstrates the use of a compact portable capillary liquid chromatograph, the Axcend Focus LC, coupled to an Agilent Ultivo triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical drugs in model aqueous samples.
Axcend Focus LC® Cartridge Options
December 19th 2024Welcome to our comprehensive selection of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) cartridges. Designed for precision and reliability, our cartridges cater to diverse analytical needs, ensuring optimal performance in your laboratory processes.