Agilent Laboratory Achieves Green Lab Certification

ColumnJuly 2022
Volume 18
Issue 07
Pages: 8

Agilent Technologies Inc., (California, USA) has announced that the company’s customer demonstration laboratory in Waldbronn, Germany, has received the highest level of Green Lab Certification, the gold standard in laboratory sustainability best practices.

“This certification is another validation of Agilent’s commitment to sustainability,” said Padraig McDonnell, President of the Agilent CrossLab Group (ACG) and Agilent’s CCO.

The Green Lab Certification from My Green Lab is recognized by the UN Race to Zero campaign as a key measure of progress for pharmaceutical and medical technology companies toward a zero‑carbon future. It indicates that a lab has achieved strong sustainability practices in energy use, water consumption, recycling, and waste production, with features such as optimized ventilation and energy-efficient cold storage to efficient plug load configuration and digitized processes.

This is the first Agilent lab to receive the My Green Lab Certification and plans are under way to certify additional labs.

“We thank Agilent for turning their Race to Zero commitments into demonstrated action through achieving My Green Lab Certification,” said James Connelly, CEO of My Green Lab. “We are very pleased to welcome them into the community of scientists and laboratory professionals that are actively working to reduce the environmental impact of their laboratory work. Achieving ‘green level’ is the highest level of certification, and the entire organization should be proud of this accomplishment.”

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