ACROSS scientists awarded for research within separation sciences


LCGC Europe eNews

LCGC Europe eNewsLCGC Europe eNews-09-14-2012
Volume 0
Issue 0

Scientists at the University of Tasmania Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) have been recognized and rewarded for their research and contributions to the field of separation sciences, which range from the development of water analysis methodology to explosives detection devices.

Scientists at the University of Tasmania Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) have been recognized and rewarded for their research and contributions to the field of separation sciences, which range from the development of water analysis methodology to explosives detection devices. ACROSS, established in 2001, is the result of collaboration between researchers at the University of Tasmania, RMIT University and the University of Western Sydney forming a consortium of Australian researchers working in the field of separation science.

Professor Paul Haddard, a scientist at ACROSS, has been named as the first Australian to be awarded the American Chemical Society (ACS) Chromatography Award. The award will be officially presented to Professor Haddard in April 2013 during the next ACS National Meeting.

Additionally, both Haddard and his ACROSS colleague Associate Professor Greg Diconoski received recognition at the Tasmanian Science Excellence Awards. Haddard became the inaugural recipient of the award for Tasmanian Scientist of the Year Award and Diconoski was presented with the Minister’s Science Innovation Award. Diconoski was awarded for his work on Scantex, an anti-terrorism device that detects the presence of homemade explosive devices.

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