Solvent Assisted Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Screening and Quantification of Counterfeit Drugs
July 1st 2015Experiments presented here demonstrate the suitability of LC–SAI-MS for the detection and quantification of pharmaceuticals, with limits of detection in the low parts-per-trillion range. A comparison of LC–ESI-MS to LC–SAI-MS also yielded favorable results for SAI.
Using Compact Mass Spectrometry for Detection and Quantitation of Cannabis-Related Compounds
July 1st 2015Compact mass spectrometry, in combination with suitable sample introduction techniques-such as the atmospheric solids analysis probe, thin-layer chromatography, and classical liquid chromatography techniques-can be used effectively for the detection and quantification of cannabinoids and pesticides in cannabis-related material and contraband.
Why and How to Avoid Ionic Contamination in Water Used for LC–MS Analyses
July 1st 2015Ionic contaminants in the water used in UHPLC analyses with MS detection method lead to adduct formation and reduced analytical signals because of ion suppression. In MS, the preferred ion type is the protonated molecular ion, especially in peptide analysis, since the partially mobile proton charge enables more meaningful fragmentation analysis, as compared to a sodiated peptide ion. Moreover, the occurrence of protonated analyte signals indicates that solvents and reagents, as well as the MS instrument used in analyses, are clean and do not contribute any contaminating cationic components to the analytical process. In the experiments presented here, it was observed that the signal intensities of the protonated species decreased as the sodium ion concentration in the water increased. This was accompanied by an increase in the intensity of sodiated adducts.
Evaluation of Automated Solid-Phase Extraction for Nitrosamines Using US EPA Method 521
July 1st 2015Disinfection by-products (DBP) are an ever-present nuisance in the efforts to purify drinking water, wastewater, and municipal waters from various sources. An emerging class of DBP compounds with health effects is nitrosamines which result from chloramination or chlorination if the water is nitrogen-rich. Five of these nitrosamines have been listed on the US EPA’s new Contaminant Candidate List (CCL-3). Of the nitrosamines, the most common and problematic is N-nitrosdimethylamine (NDMA). The maximum admissible levels set by the US EPA are 7 ng/L for NDMA and 2 ng/L for N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA).
Mass Spectrometry in the Clinical Laboratory—Challenges for Quality Assurance
July 1st 2015To translate the enormous potential of MS into meaningful, actionable, and safe test results in the specific setting of a clinical laboratory is a very substantial challenge. It is essential to realize that reliability is not inherent to this technology but must be addressed carefully and questioned systematically.