Determining Specificity in a Regulated Environment
Krull and Swartz describe how chromatographers can determine peak purity and identity using new software programs.
When Good Columns Go Bad
Hinshaw looks at causes and modes of premature column failure and at practices that ensure the longest possible column life.
Analysis of Weak UV-Absorbing Pharmaceutical Drug Substances Using CE with Condensation Nucleation Light-Scattering Detection
The authors descibe the use of CE with condensation nucleation light-scattering detection to analyze three pharmaceutical analytes. Because the compounds lack adequate UV chromophores, they require a more sensitive means of detection.
Embedded-Polar-Group Bonded Phases for High Performance Liquid Chromatography
The authors compare the chromatographic properties of embedded-carbamate-group bonded phases with those of their purely alkyl counterparts.
High-Speed Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Environmental Samples Using Small-Diameter Capillary Columns and Purge-and-Trap GC–MS Systems
Guest author Cameron George discusses recent advances in purge-and-trap systems that enable considerable reduction in analysis times.
Resin Screening to Optimize Chromatographic Separations
The author presents an approach to screen resins for chromatographic optimization in the purification process of a protein drug substance.
Buffers and Baselines
This month's "LC Troubleshooting" focuses on the baseline characteristics of several common LC buffers and methods to minimize drift.