Sizing Up Size-Exclusion Chromatography
August 1st 2019André Striegel spoke to LCGC Europe about innovations in size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) in polymer analysis, including the benefits of hyphenating SEC with on-line multi-angle static light scattering (MALS) and differential refractometry (DRI) detection, the non-trivial nature of a “trivial” solution, the complementary value of “interaction” polymer liquid chromatography (LC) techniques, and the role of quintuple detection in practice.
Pass the Salt: Evolution of Coupling Ion-Exchange Separations and Mass Spectrometry
August 1st 2019Direct coupling of ion-exchange separations to mass spectrometric (MS) detection is increasingly being used for analyses of molecules ranging from organic acids to proteins. These approaches leverage both the exquisite selectivity of the ion-exchange mode for charge-based separation, and the tremendous power of mass spectrometry for identification of unknowns and trace-level quantitation.
Modern HPLC Pumps: Perspectives, Principles, and Practices
August 1st 2019This instalment is the first of a series of four white papers on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) modules (pump, autosampler, UV detector, and chromatography data system) to be published in 2019. This instalment provides an overview for analytical-scale HPLC pumps, including their requirements, modern designs, operating principles, trends, and best practices for trouble-free operation.