Budding potential
Poplar buds could hold untapped potential as an ingredient in anti-ageing skin creams, a study has found.
Food contamination test
Responding to widespread recalls of potentially harmful phthalate?tainted food and beverages in Asia, AB Sciex has provided food safety investigators with a new method to identify the harmful plasticizer.
Nanoscale bone analysis
Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, USA, have developed a new technique that allows researchers to collect large amounts of biochemical information from nanoscale bone samples.
Collaboration yields E. coli discovery
The collaboration between the UK?s Health Protection Agency (HPA) and Thermo Fisher Scientific has led to a significant development in mapping the proteome of the organism responsible for the recent E. coli outbreak in Europe.
See The Big Picture - And Every Little Detail
A combination of static and dynamic headspace analysis is described for routine profiling of both abundant and trace compounds in alcoholic beverages containing dry extract.
Extraction of Oil and Grease from Water Samples Using Automated Solid-Phase Extraction
EPA Method 1664, Revision A describes the determination of oil and grease from liquid (typically water) samples.
Chromatology ...and The Art of Hiring Scientists
Incognito has a well-deserved rant about the difficulties that he's experiencing in tracking down the ideal candidate!